Page 12 - EngineerIT April 2022
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        MANTA release 35: Automated

        lineage for Kafka and SAP HANA,

        enhancements to existing Snowflake,

        Power BI and more

                aster Data Management
                (MDM) partner MANTA has
       Mreleased version 35 of its
        unified lineage platform. The MANTA
        platform automatically scans your
        organisation’s data environment, to build
        a powerful map of all data flows and
        deliver it through a non-technical user
        interface (UI) to give them full visibility
        and control of their data pipelines.
        Release 35 adds two popular, modern
        data sources, extends existing scanners
        for improved lineage, and simplifies
        administration and access management.
           “Data lineage is important to     MANTA connecting to Confluent Platform Schema Registry for extracting the schemas contained in
                                             Kafka topics.
        any organisation wishing to deliver
        trusted analytics timeously, yet it is   Additionally, release 35 adds lineage scanning for SAP Hana, which includes the
        impossible to achieve using manual   automated collection of dictionary metadata and external script analysis via lineage parsing
        methods of documentation,” says      for independent SQL scripts in a separate sub-directory.
        Gary Allemann, MD at Master Data
        Management. “MANTA’s track record in   Enhancements to Snowflake and Power BI scanners
        adding emerging sources to its already   Release 35 brings several improvements and enhancements to existing scanners. After
        impressive list of scanners, helps to   including support for COPY INTO attributes in Snowflake as part of Release 34, this release
        future proof any investment made by   brings new capabilities to the Snowflake scanner.
        customers as they modernise their data   Most significantly, they have added scanning support for transformation expressions,
        landscapes.”                         which are recognised by MANTA active tags and provide visibility for business rules across
                                             the data pipeline. This gives MANTA the ability to display business tools that are part of the
        Introducing new scanners for         Snowflake investment.
        modern technologies                    Release 35 also includes an update to the MANTA Power BI scanner, complementing
        Release 35 introduces scanners for two   Microsoft’s enhancements to the Power BI Admin API. This update provides for better access
        popular new data sources:            to metadata, resulting in a more complete data lineage.
        The new scanner for Kafka includes
        support for StreamSets and DataStage
        scanners. The Kafka scanner supports
        metadata harvesting from the Confluent
        registry and the ability to define a full
        Kafka server, and topic hierarchy with a
        detailed metadata definition as described
        by Avro and JSON Schemas.            MANTA support for parsing and analysis of Snowflake Transformation Expressions

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