Page 24 - EngineerIT August 2022 Digital
P. 24
transients, reduces noise from ground loops, and creates
physical safety.
The ADP1032 and AD74413R are measured and verified
as a complete system and conform to the CISPR 11 Class-B
radiated emission levels with greater than 6 dB margin, as
shown in Figure 7.
Power dissipation
Having a flexible multichannel system poses a trade-off on
the system power dissipation because each channel of the
AD74413R software configurable I/O can be configured to
Figure 6: ADP1032 + AD74413R software configurable I/O system
robustness. various modes while the power supply for the AD74413R
sticks to a single output voltage. The designer must pick the
channel density in their modules. The four SPI signals of the highest AD74413R AV DD supply voltage so it can support the
AD74413R use the high speed isolated data channels of the worst-case condition, with consideration to the required
ADP1032, which are optimised for low propagation delays voltage headroom and the load characteristics, to ensure
of 15 ns, supporting SPI clock rates up to 16.6 MHz. The low the proper operation of each mode. Consider the use case
speed isolated data channels are used where timing is not where the AD74413R is in current output mode, with a load
critical, such as the LDAC, RESET and ALERT signals. resistance of 600 Ω, and the input current range is up to 20
mA. This translates to a maximum output voltage of 12 V on
System robustness the screw terminals. As per the AD74413R data sheet, the
The AD74413R system solution is designed to be robust in harsh required headroom voltage for the current output mode is
industrial environments and offers the following protection 4.6 V. Adding the headroom voltage to the maximum output
features: voltage results in 16.6 V, which is the required minimum
• A TVS on the screw terminals (for protection against surge AV DD supply for the AD74413R in current output mode. The
events) same AV DD supply voltage computation should be done for
• The screw terminal facing pins are tolerant to ±50 V DC and other input and output modes and the highest resulting AV DD
higher (for transient events) voltage must be used as the output of the ADP1032 V OUT1.
• Power cannot be delivered to the device from the screw The ADP1032 + AD74413R system power dissipation can
terminals in a miswire event. be calculated by treating the whole system as a black box and
just subtracting the output power (P OUT) delivered to the load
An SPI CRC and SCLK count feature ensures that no erroneous from the input power (P IN) supplied to the system as shown in
SPI transactions occur. In addition, the ADP1032 provides Figure 8. The system power dissipation will include the losses
isolated power to the two positive rails of the AD74413R from the ADP1032 power conversion, AD74413R quiescent
and isolates the data of the four SPI signals and three GPIO current, the digital channel isolators’ quiescent currents,
signals. The ADP1032 has a basic isolation of up to 300 V for and the losses in the AD74413R output path especially
pollution degree 2. The galvanic isolation in the power and data the headroom required. Figure 9 shows the system power
channels of the ADP1032 protects the system from high voltage dissipation with all four channels of AD74413R configured
with the same mode of operation and with the same load
characteristics. In this example, the ADP1032 V OUT1 output
that supplies the AD74413R AV DD was set to 16.6 V, which
is assumed to support all the different modes of operation
Figure 7: AD74413R + ADP1032 radiated emission passing CISPR
Class-B. Figure 8: An ADP1032 + AD74413 black box illustration.
EngineerIT | August 2022 | 22