Page 15 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 4 May 2023
P. 15

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                                                here is no handbook for raising   babies are generally incredibly tuned
                                                children and yet the process   in to themselves and the environment.
                                                to get a tertiary qualification,   They have not learned fear and self-
                                         Ta driver’s license or married       doubt so they are free to be exactly who
         We have done                    requires time and money spent in     they need to be.
                                         preparation to attain these things.
         well as a parent                Anyone can have children, regardless of   Unfortunately, many of us have come
                                         their education, wealth or status. So how
                                                                              from families and cultures where
          when our children              do we create a world that is favourable   children are seen, not heard, and the
          learn to become                for children to be born into and what are   perception is that they need to be
                                                                              taught how to change their behaviour
                                         the principles to live by?
          responsible for                  This is where Conscious Parenting   into something that will suit the ideals
                                                                              and lifestyles the adults want. From
 When I initially came across this concept, I was   comes in. It is first and foremost a deep   past generations to today, the cycle
                                         look into ourselves, not as parents,
 sceptical - I saw it as another new-aged philosophy.   but as individuals. With our past, our   What if we changed our perspective from
                                         behaviours, our habitual patterns and
 But once I got over the well-marketed phrasing of   our upbringing, can we raise children   command-and-control and tapped into
 the name and started to explore the lessons and   to be self-aware, independent and   the wisdom that children can offer us? If
                                         generally good people? The answer is
                                                                              we give them a chance, they can remind
 teachings, I was blown away.            yes, but it takes work - inner work.  us of some of the most valuable lessons
                                                                              in life - like how to love unconditionally
                                         I’ve outlined 3 important concepts of   (nobody does that better than a child),
                                         what it means to be a Conscious Parent.   how to be present (children have not
                                         These might be completely contrary to   learnt how to worry about the past and
                                         what you think and will challenge you as   future), and how to live with a sense of
                                         they did me. But to see things clearly,   ease and confidence that only comes
                                         we first need to clean and demystify our   from embracing our true creative nature.
                                         lens that views the world.
                                                                              LOVE LESS
                                         DO LESS                              Who doesn’t love holding a new-born
                                         As parents, we - more often than not   baby? Having something in our arms that
                                         - want to give our children a better life   is so innocent and fragile connects to a
                                         than what we have, or had, so we give   very primal force within us - the need to
                                         more of our time, money and energy,   nurture and/ or to leave a legacy.
                                         and we consider ourselves fortunate
                                         to be able to do this, to give the next   Love is something that is often
                                         generation a better footing in life. The   misunderstood. We may have cravings
                                         intentions are always good and pure,   for security, or the need to feel
                                         but sometimes we are blinded by the   needed. Flattery, or infatuation may be
                                         fear, hurt or lack we experienced, so   misinterpreted. Perhaps it was from a
                                         we overcompensate in our actions.    need to be loved that we smother, or
                                         Ultimately, the best thing any parent can   from a need to be heard that we become
                                         do for their child(ren) is to give them the   overbearing, or from a need for power
                                         space to unfold and discover who they   that we become the dictators in our
                                         are, what they are passionate about   homes, or perhaps from a traumatic
                                         and where they can serve. Of course,   childhood that we lash out - and all this
                                         the major challenge here is that we,   in the name of love. Perhaps if we had to
                                         as parents, are not fully actualised.   love a little less, we could create some
                                         Many of us are still bound by past   space between our inner-demons and
                                         conditionings and a narrow view of the   our children. After all, our children are
        When I initially came            world. This is one of the main causes of   not our property.

        across this concept, I           conflict between parents and children.   We have done well as a parent when our
                                         Parenting is not about doing lots of
        was sceptical - I saw it         things for our kids. It is about being an   children learn to become responsible for
                                         example and mentor and allowing them
        as another new-aged              to make mistakes, learn accountability     Conscious parenting is a purposeful
                                         and responsibility because this is what
        philosophy. But once             makes pleasant, trustworthy, self-   journey of recognising and overcoming
        I got over the well-             motivated people. The more we do for   our fears and failures, and then
                                                                              becoming a more complete and
                                         them, the less they can.
        marketed phrasing of               TEACH LESS                         fulfilled person whilst bringing up and
                                                                              supporting our children to then become
        the name and started             Children are born mostly unhindered   complete and fulfilled people in turn.
                                         and naturally curious even though
        to explore the lessons           science has discovered that there are   All the best on your journey. If you have
 BY MICHELLE L RAYMOND                   certain neuro-chemical traits that new-  any questions or wish to explore this
        and teachings, I was             borns inherit from their parents, along   concept further, feel free to contact me
        blown away.                      with experiences from the mother during   at or
                                         pregnancy. But all things going well,   visit
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