Page 10 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 4 May 2023
P. 10
Health & Wellness
BE A SCEPTIC An article published by the University
The single biggest wellbeing gift you can of Washington states that research
give to yourself is to continually educate with people who have spinal cord
yourself and question everything injuries show that exercise improves
you hear or read. Everything. Verify respiration, muscle strength, circulation,
the information, look at how old it body composition, self-esteem, self-
is, consider where the information is confidence, independence, reduces
coming from and what the purpose is of depression and reduces anxiety.
the information. It also helps to prevent secondary
complications (such as urinary tract
If information is shared to sell you infections, pressure ulcers, and
anything, be it a service or a product, respiratory infections), reduce the risk
question it that much more. of diabetes, improve immune system
function, and reduce constipation.
Also, remember that no matter what
the outcome of any study is, there are If you are physically able, you have
always exceptions. Even if something absolutely no excuse to be inactive.
works for 99,9% of all people on Putting it even mildly, inactivity is an act
earth, this will still leave about 7,4 (through omission) of self-abuse.
million people for whom it won’t
work. EAT FRESH!
A quote recently sent to me reads “For a
BE ACTIVE! long healthy life, never eat anything that
Physically, the most important thing has its own ad.”
you can do is to stay active. Even
quadriplegics have to exercise in order This is as close to a perfect summary as
to remain healthy! you can get (with a few exceptions, off
People with spinal cord injuries invest
in passive exercise machines or other Food companies spend a lot of money
specialised equipment because, without on research to ensure that their food
moving, life expectancy reduces sells while reducing all costs. This means
drastically and for the very few years lower ingredient costs, longer storage
they have, their quality of life is very times and less transportation damage
poor. while still making people willing to
8 DPL issue 4 2023
8 DPL issue 5 2022
8 DPL issue 4 2023