Page 8 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 4 May 2023
P. 8


           ARE YOU MEMORABLE FOR THE                                                                                                   ”
           RIGHT REASONS?

           Your image vs                     Just like businesses, as an individual   control, your reputation is in the eye
                                                                               of the beholder.
                                             managing your career like a business,
           your reputation.                  you have the ability to create your   Your reputation can be made, and
                                             brand... and should be doing so
           Which is more                     because it gives you a greater level of   your reputation can be damaged
                                             control over how you want to be ‘seen’
                                                                               – sometimes by your own actions
           important?                        and what you want to be known for.  and behaviour. But it can also be
                                                                               informed by gossip and rumour,
                                             But what we WANT to be known for   by misunderstandings and
           BY BRIONY LIBER                   is not always the same as what we   misinterpretation, and by the personal
                                             ARE known for. There is a distinct   and individual experience of one or
                                             difference between brand and      two people who have the ability to
                  usinesses spend a lot of   reputation.                       influence the opinions of others.
                  time creating and working                                    So if a reputation can be as fickle as
                  on their brand: their logo,   Brand is something you can create   what others think of you, should you
          Btheir value proposition, their    and control.                      care? I would say yes. And I will tell
           offerings to various stakeholders,                                  you why I say this in a few anecdotes.
           their differentiators, their social   Reputation is something that is
           media presence and voice, which is   based on the opinions and beliefs   How you make people feel is
           the ‘personality’ of the business. In   that people in general have about   sometimes more important than your
           essence, businesses create the    someone or something. So while    technical brilliance.
           image and experience that they    the image or brand of your personal
           want to be known for.             ‘business’ may remain within your   A while back I worked with someone

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