Page 9 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 4 May 2023
P. 9
who is a technically gifted person: him knew that he was someone to But that wasn’t why I didn’t trust
he has amazing knowledge and avoid if at all possible. her. The reason I didn’t trust her
experience, could problem solve was because after that incident
with the best of them, but very few That’s reputation in action! and a thorough debriefing on what
people wanted to work with him. I information was critical for priority
saw people resign from a project if However, being trusted and communication, she didn’t learn
he was on it. I saw his name come respected is sometimes more from the experience and, on at
up in discussions around team important than being liked. I least a few other occasions after
composition, and a less technically worked with someone for a while that, only communicated critical
qualified person being chosen for who was an absolute delight to information when we were already
the team. Why? Because he was be around. She was funny, she in a crisis. I couldn’t trust her to
unpleasant to work with. He was was thoughtful and generous, she anticipate and plan. And when I was
miserable, cynical, destructive in always brought shortbread and asked if I would recommend her to
his comments, wanted everything cappuccinos to our meetings, she work on a project with international
to be done his way and rarely always put up her hand to help colleagues, I declined to do so.
found the ability to say anything out, and you could guarantee that
complementary to his colleagues. if someone was going to stay at That’s reputation in action!
work after hours to help out, it
He developed a reputation for being would be her. SO IN THE BUSINESS
unpleasant to work with, to the extent
that even people who were new in the Sounds like someone who would be a OF BEING YOU,
organisation and had never worked with pleasure to work with, someone who THINK ABOUT THESE
would have a reputation for being QUESTIONS...
dependable and trustworthy right?
1. How big is the gap between the
Not so much! She had no brand you are aiming to create and
Being trusted appreciation of the need for timeous your reputation (opinions and beliefs
communication. We were in the
that others have of you)?
and respected is car, on the way to a meeting with a 2. What responsibility do you have
client when she decided the time was
sometimes more right to tell me that the client might for the extent of that gap and what is
be very unhappy with us and was
outside of your control?
important than planning to have another consultant 3. What actions can you take to bring
in the meeting to take over from us.
That meeting was one of the most
being liked uncomfortable experiences of my life. closer alignment between your brand
and reputation?
6 DPL issue 4 2023
DPL issue 4 2023 7
8 DPL issue 5 2022 DPL issue 2 2023 7