Page 11 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 4 May 2023
P. 11

Health & Wellness
                                          consume it. A lot of the taste of processed   worse cousins – the drive-throughs – as
                                          foods is designed to cheat your body’s   convenient, but we often don’t consider
                                          natural nutritional feedback mechanisms   the detour taken or compare them with
                                          so that you will enjoy processed foods   the time taken to stop at a fresh produce
                                          more and think that what you have eaten   seller.
                                          was nutritious.
                                                                               In our rushed world, meals are often not
                                          These foods are often high in calories and   planned properly, but stopping at a fast
                                          low in nutrients, a contributing factor to a   food outlet and buying something low in
                                          population that is essentially overweight   nutrition that has been sitting in a warmer
                                          but undernourished.                  drawer, either fully or half-cooked, waiting
                                                                               for the next sucker, shouldn’t be the way
                                          Taking food supplements does not solve   you reward yourself for a busy, hard-
                                          this problem, and if you are curious about   working life.
                                          this, just a little bit of research will show
                                          that they often do more harm than good.   The vast amount of nutrients in fresh fruit
                                          Increasingly, research published by reliable  and veggies cannot be copied in a lab,
                                          bodies such as the FDA (Food and Drug   and the range of flavours are myriad. Not
                                          Administration), the American Cancer   only will your body thank you for healthier
                                          Society and the National Institute of   choices, but your brain will too.
                                          Health, points to many risks and dangers.
                                                                               Due to the fact that our digestion is quite
                                          And before you say that ‘natural     complicated, it could take a few weeks
                                          supplements’ are good, remember that   for you to be comfortable with a change
                                          snake venom, arsenic, and all the deadly   in diet. For the first 10 days or so it might
                                          mushrooms in the world are all ‘natural’.   feel like an effort, but then it becomes a
                                                                               daily celebration of health and vitality!
                                          NO FOOD IS FASTER
                                          THAN FRUIT                           Eat well, stay active and above all, stay
                                          We may think of take-aways or their   curious.

                                                           BY ANETTE KRUGER

                                                                              Exercise improves
                                                                              respiration, muscle

                                                                              strength, circulation,
                                                                              body composition,


                                                                             reduces depression

                                                                             and reduces anxiety.

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