Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 4 May 2023
P. 6



                    IN OUR PRECINCT

                arm greetings to our lovely   the long nights perfect for catching up on   fresh perspective.
                Precinct! As we embrace the   some much-needed sleep.
       Warrival of another cold winter,                                          With that said, we have a few tips to help
        we can look forward to cosy evenings,   Unfortunately, it will come with some   you stay positive and make a difference in
        winter PJs, and cups of Milo with way too   challenges. With load shedding averaging   our community:
        many heaped spoons thrown in. I always   9 hours a day, it's safe to say that winter   Focus on the good: Let's celebrate our
        hated winter, but recently I have come   will exacerbate the problem as we try to   community's achievements, no matter
        to enjoy the respite from our unbearable   keep warm, dry clothing and keep our   how small they may seem. Share uplifting
        heat, the chance to curl up with my   geysers hot. Criminals also tend to take   stories with neighbours, and together,
        family and fur babies on the couch, and   advantage of the longer nights.   we'll create an atmosphere of hope and

                                                                                 Volunteer: Lend a helping hand to
                                              Let's stay positive                local initiatives aimed at improving our
                                                                                 community. This could be anything from
                                              and work together                  neighbourhood clean-ups to supporting
                                              to overcome the                    local businesses or assisting the elderly.
                                              challenges we                      Be proactive: Rather than feeling

                                              face.                              helpless, take the initiative to report
                                                       ”                         informed about community meetings and
                                                                                 issues to the relevant authorities. Stay
                                                                                 participate in discussions to find practical

                                            With this in mind, I want to shine a light   solutions.
                                            on the power of positivity and how it can   Create connections: Stronger
                                            help us overcome the sense of impending   relationships with our neighbours can
                                            doom many of us feel, at least some of   help foster a supportive environment.
                                            the time. A positive mindset can help   Organise or attend social events, such as
                                            you cope with challenges and setbacks   block parties, book clubs, or gardening
                                              and bounce back more quickly from   groups, to strengthen our community
                                                adversity.                       bonds.
                                                  The effects of positivity can be   Practice gratitude: Remind yourself daily
                                                    far-reaching and profound    of the things you're grateful for. Whether
                                                      in our individual lives and   it's the beautiful parks, top-notch schools,
                                                         our community. For      or friendly faces, our community has
                                                          example, positive      much to be thankful for.
                                                           emotions can help to
                                                           reduce stress, anxiety,   Let's stay positive and work together to
                                                           and depression and    overcome the challenges we face. Our
                                                           increase happiness,   collective spirit and strength make our
                                                           optimism, and overall   community truly exceptional.
                                                           life satisfaction. It can
                                                           also help enhance     Warm regards,
                                                           foster empathy and                  Nicola
                                                           compassion, and build
                                                           stronger relationships
                                                           with friends, family,   
                                                           and the community.
                                                           A positive mindset
                                                           also helps people
                                                            think more creatively,
                                                            generate innovative
                                                            ideas, and approach
                                                             problems from a

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