Page 19 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
P. 19
Estate News
This ‘Thank You’ note does not do justice to the amazing donations that we have received from
Fourways Gardens. With your help and generosity, we can do so much more together. Rescue
takes an army and we are very very grateful for your support.
Thank you! ♥
The Dogs Trust runs a weekly feed on a
Monday where between 150 – 250 dog
owners are each given a 2kg bag of food.
There is fresh water and food onsite and they
make use of this opportunity to do health
and medical checks, dipping for ticks and
fleas, deworming and vaccinations. They everything to their jobs. They feed, as well
also use this opportunity to educate owners as collect and spay/neuter dogs and return
and handlers, and hand out care leaflets. them to their homes. They educate the
owners on care, and build shelters, runs, and
From Tuesday to Saturday, a smaller team fences. They are desperate for donations as
scouts in Diepsloot to try and locate animals their area of need is ever-increasing. When I
whose owners are not aware of, or did not saw the pain and anguish in Lee-Anne’s eyes,
manage to come to the Monday session to (the lady who runs Dogs Trust), I wanted
collect food. to do as much as I could to help them,”
Francesca says.
In total, Dogs Trust hands out up to 1 000kg
Here in Fourways Gardens, Francesca Please continue to drop off any donations at
Thompsons Security Group sponsors the Beattie has come on board to show her my home, 17 Buffalo Thorn Road in Phase 1.
event’s crowd control services, and the support and will be displaying the Dogs
Dogs Trust team is assisted by Gideon’s Trust logo on all her boards. I will also take books and household
Animal Outreach for dipping and medical donations to ALL SAINTS ANIMAL CLINIC
checks. “I sponsor Dogs Trust because I am an animal where anything sold is donated as cash to
lover. I make my income from the real estate Dogs Trust.
“Thank you to Fourways Gardens for business and wish to put back into the
making the month of September a DOG’S greater community that supports my firm. Cat food and cat baskets etc are also greatly
TRUST month.” From Lee-Anne Ramalho Dogs Trust is run purely on donations and appreciated and are given to CO-SANC or to
and the Team at Dogs Trust the people who work there give absolutely 4PAWS who have an influx of cats.
Fourways Gardens • 17 • November 2022