Page 14 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
P. 14
Estate News
at Fourways Gardens Estate
hursday, 21 October, was the great food and a warm atmosphere were
much-anticipated official opening the perfect recipe for a great day right here
of our beautiful new restaurant, in our estate.
TThe Gardens Bistro, and residents
had a great opportunity to enjoy the new Club Real Estate, Van Deventer & Van
venue at Oktoberfest on Saturday. Deventer Attorneys and SA Breweries
(Stella Artois) were the Oktoberfest’s main
Mike and Belinda Varrie, our new sponsors.
restaurateurs, pulled out all the stops to
ensure a fantastic day was enjoyed by all. Thanks to the infrastructure, beer, and cash
For the kids, there was face painting, along sponsorships they provided, The Gardens
with the newly-opened ice cream parlour, Bistro didn’t need to charge guests anything
which was a hit! to enjoy the event! We’re truly blessed to
have an amazing community that loves to
The older crowd was entertained by Rubber get involved with our events and activities
Duc, Gavin Hooker and Christian Heath, to ensure maximum enjoyment and
who got the crowd to their feet! Cold beer, participation.
Fourways Gardens • 12 • November 2022