Page 13 - IFV Issue 6_ 2023
P. 13
Estate News
Leopard with cub
Just after sun up the next morning,
we drove to the same spot, and there
on the ground to our great delight,
were both leopard and cub. The adult
leopard was chewing on what looked
like the remains of an impala, with the
cub looking on enviously. We stayed at
this site for about half an hour, during
which time both animals posed nicely
for the camera.
Later that morning Lance heard
the call of a thick-billed cuckoo and
then saw a pair of them not far in
front of us. The thick-billed cuckoo
is rarely seen in southern Africa and
this was a lifer for the rest of us on the
vehicle. Other birds seen were African
barred owlet, temminck’s courser,
hammerkop, black-bellied bustard,
black-headed oriole and violet backed
as well as identifying many birds by fading fast, we came upon a leopard starlings, to name just a few. On other
their call. We came across an old male in a tree and our driver advised that drives around the reserve, we came
lion named Maposa, a popular and this leopard also had a cub nearby. upon wild dogs, rhinoceros, another
often seen resident of the reserve, and We decided to come back to the same leopard, a pride of lions, buffalo,
who is unfortunately blind in one eye. spot the next morning to try to see elephant and many antelope species.
With the night closing in and the light both leopard and cub. Other highlights included seeing a
The Villager • Issue 6 2023 • 11