Page 14 - IFV Issue 6_ 2023
P. 14
Estate News
honey badger run across the road in
front of the vehicle and while on a
night drive, we all saw a spotted genet.
The various habitats in Thornybush
include bushwillow-marula woodland,
riparian thicket, and thorny savannah
crossed by dry river beds. We drove
along these beds on a few occasions
and a number of bird sightings were
seen in the trees overhanging them.
Birds seen included red-headed
weaver, yellow-breasted apalis, Klaas’s Thick-billed Cuckoos
cuckoo and Retz’s helmet-shrike
which is parasitised by the thick-billed
To add further to the weekend’s
fun with the group, Sue decided to
offer a bottle of sparkling wine to the
person who could guess the name of
a bird seen over the weekend from
a cryptic clue that I composed. The
cryptic clue read “lantana missing an
endless general’s line”. The only other
information provided was that the clue
referred to the old name of the bird.
Jean Thomas won the prize which was
handed over at dinner that evening
and which she graciously then shared
with everyone. The number of birds
species positively identified over the
weekend was 142.
Barred Owlet Retz’s Helmet-shrike
The density of game and bird life
in Thornybush game reserve makes it
an ideal place for a short bush break
to see the big five and many other
mammals and birds in just a few days.
Answer to the cryptic clue:
Natal Francolin (now called Natal
Wild dogs
12 • Issue 6 2023 • The Villager