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                                                 The interior has been ugraded, modernised   The base GA version with identical
                                                 and improved with many extras that were   mechanics retails for R269 900 and the
                                                 lacking in the previous version, most   PRUH OX[XULRXV */; YHUVLRQ DV WHVWHG UHWDLOV
                                                 notable being the touchscreen infotainment   DW 5         $ */; DXWRPDWLF LV DOVR
                                                 V\VWHP ÀWWHG DV VWDQGDUG WR WKH */;   available.
                                                 version tested.
                                                                                  7KH */; LQFOXGHV D   \HDU       NP
                                                 The Jimny is simply one of those cars that   service plan as standard.
                                                 you either get or you don’t. You either want
                                                 it or you don’t! A 12-month waiting list in SA   #Suzuki    #SuzukiJimny
                                                 suggests that many buyers do!!!!!!  #Since1970

                                                                                     .\DODPL (VWDWHV ‡ &211(&7 ‡ ,VVXH   ‡      17
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