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welcomed us and gave us a brief overview   of this predation could be seen in the remains
                                                  of the island. A few Razorbills sat just above   of mutilated Shearwaters scattered around in
                                                  WKH ODQGLQJ GRFN DQG DIIRUGHG D ÀUVW FORVH XS   many places. Other birds often seen included
                                                  photo opportunity.                 Eurasian Oystercatcher, Herring Gull, Shag,
                                                                                     Carrion Crow and Jackdaw, while at the hide in
                                                  There are some 6,5km of trails along the   the centre of the island overlooking the north
                                                  high cliffs and across the centre of Skomer   pond, we noted Meadow Pipit, Canada Goose,
                                                  and one is instructed not to deviate from   Curlew, Shelduck, Pheasant and Northern
                                                  the path, as there are thousands of rabbit   Wheatear. Raptors included a female Hen
                                                  and seabird burrows all over the island. We   +DUULHU WKDW ÁHZ ORZ RYHU WKH JUDVVODQGV DQG D
                                                  headed off on the trail leading to ‘The Wick’   Steppe Buzzard.
                                                  from where we had excellent sightings of
                                                  Guillemot and Razorbills on the rock outcrops.   A 19th century farm building has been rebuilt
                                                  3XIÀQV ZRXOG VXGGHQO\ DSSHDU IURP WKHLU   on Skomer and now houses a visitors centre
                                                  burrows, have a quick look round and then   and half a dozen self-catering rooms for those
                                                  GDUW EDFN XQGHUJURXQG  6RPH RI WKH 3XIÀQV   guests wishing to stay overnight. Alas, time
                                                  obligingly appeared from their burrows very   did not allow for us to stay over for a chance
                                                  close to the path and posed sportingly for   to see the Manx Shearwaters and Short-eared
                                                  the camera. On the Wick Cliffs, hundreds of   Owls that make their appearance during the
                                                  seabirds could be seen on the narrowest of   hours of darkness and, after 5 hours on the
                                                  ledges with Guillemots gathered on the lower   island, we walked back to the landing place
                                                  levels, Kittiwakes midway up the cliff face and   to catch our designated 4pm boat back to the
                                                  Fulmars sitting slightly higher up.   mainland.

                                                  Manx Shearwaters were conspicuous by their   Having seen some of the best birding that
                                                  absence, as when not incubating in their   Skomer Island could offer, we agreed that the
                                                  underground burrows, they return to the island   300km round trip from our timeshare near
                                                  only under the cover of darkness. Flocks of   the Snowdonia National Park in North Wales
                                                  Great Black-backed Gulls seen all over the   WR VHH WKH 3XIÀQV DQG RWKHU VHDELUGV ZDV ZHOO
                                                  island prey on the Shearwaters and evidence   worth the effort.

                                                                    6NRPHU ,VODQG OLHV DERXW D NLORPHWUH
                                                                RII WKH VRXWK ZHVW FRDVW RI 3HPEURNHVKLUH
                                                            LQ :DOHV  ,W LV RQH RI WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW DQG
                                                         DFFHVVLEOH VHDELUG EUHHGLQJ VLWHV LQ (XURSH

                                                                                     Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019  21
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