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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
3.0 Folder (Inner)
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 23
3.0 Invoice Template
Entity: Kyalami Estates
Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
Entity Reg No:
Invoice Date: xx May 2019
Bill to:
(demand dependant) and will eventually manners, caring for others, respecting others, The site will consist of 3 schools housed on
encompass the full school complement, up to honesty, kindness and working together as a one campus. In addition to classrooms, sports
Grade 12. team. We expect our pupils to be responsible, facilities such as swimming pools, courts and
Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
Attention:xxxxx xxxxx to set high standards for themselves and to be fields will be built.
MODERN CAMPUSES good ambassadors for our school. Innovation in
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
The Pinnacle College group of schools offers our children will be nurtured and stereotyping “We are extremely happy and excited to share
PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
every student the opportunity to excel. Each frowned upon. The inclusive approach will this new facility with the immediate community
custom-built and Wi-Fi enabled campus has enhance our academic programme, where and the greater Gauteng area,” concludes
been designed to meet the needs of the children with barriers to learning will be Armstrong.
modern curriculum with general purpose supported through various courses on offer,”
classrooms being enhanced by specialised Armstrong adds. Applications for enrolment at Pinnacle
centres such as Art, Design, Biology, Science Your Reference: Tax Reference:
College Waterfall for 2020 are now being
and Computer Science. Kyalami Estates Kyalami Estates
The school’s culture of self-discipline,
Kyalami Estates
encouragement and respect helps keep each
Building on the foundations which have child on track. Pinnacle College Waterfall pupils For more information, please contact
been laid through the excellence of Pinnacle will enjoy a range of good quality sport and 087 352 1975 or email:
College Pre-Primary and Preparatory schools, culture choices with state-of-the-art facilities.
a holistic approach to sport, culture and
academic programmes is enhanced by a
Global Competencies programme that includes Unit Price Tax Reference:
21st Century skills such as communication, R000 0000 R000 0000
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
collaboration, creativity and analytical thinking R000 00000 R000 0000
Xxxxx xxxxxxx
that are fostered throughout the curriculum.
The High School environment will further
develop this holistic nurturing of the child
through academic, sporting, leadership,
cultural, and service extension opportunities,
Sub Total: R000 000.00
as well as global exposure.
VAT 15%: R000 000.00
“Our learning and educating platform will Total: R000 000.00
be driven by passionate teachers who apply
effective intervention and assessment
programmes to promote a highly effective
learning environment,” explains Keith Account Name: Kyalami Estates
Armstrong, Principal of Pinnacle College Bank: Investec
Waterfall. Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Account Type: Current
Within a triangular and cohesive team including
Branch Code: xxxxxx
pupils, teachers and the organisation as a
whole, each child will be encouraged to identify
and work towards his or her goals. Progress will
Estate Office & Administration
Tel: (011) 468 3001/2 | Fax: (011) 468 1246
be carefully tracked and assessed, consultation
and mentoring will be ongoing. Email:
PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
“As a school, we will always focus on good
24 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019