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xle Projects was founded in 2000 by
former architect and current director
AJohn Roussouw. Roussouw’s strong
experience in the industry, which spans over
almost 30 years, allowed his company to offer
not only domestic, but retail and commercial
renovations, as well as new builds right from
their inception. His core focus has always been
to ensure that both his teams and contractors
deliver high quality, uninterrupted construction
solutions that ensure customers’ objectives are
Building contracts can quickly become
problematic if stringent measures are not in
place and managed on a daily basis. If the
contractor, any contractor, involved on a site extremely competitive quotations to lure the commercial interior refurbishments as well
does not deliver, the knock-on effect can easily client into signing the deal, only to load extra as shop fitting for retail outlets. Whatever
result in delays and unforeseen costs that costs onto the project under the premise of the project, Axle Projects offers a full
have not been budgeted for. Needless to say, unforeseen challenges. This happens especially ‘turnkey’ service. This means that every
this causes tension between the client and the in the renovation sector where hidden costs aspect and component of the required
contractor and the entire project and process FDQ EH MXVWLÀHG WR DQ XQVXVSHFWLQJ FOLHQW build can be undertaken by Axle Projects.
thereafter becomes extremely unpleasant for Axle Projects ensures that all quotations are The objective of this is to provide a single
everyone concerned. highly detailed and properly budgeted in terms point of contact for the client to liaise with.
of scope of work and quantities, and prefers All aspects of the build are taken care
With so many variables involved in any one to discuss and explain in detail what is being of by professional staff and professional
project, it would be unrealistic to expect the offered, ensuring that the client has a full contractors. This includes architects,
SURFHVV WR EH FRPSOHWHO\ ÁDZOHVV $[OH 3URMHFWV understanding of what they are getting so that engineers and designers.
is one of the few companies in the market there are no costly extra claims along the way.
that takes pride in keeping their clients up Every project and client receives John
to speed on all aspects, especially during The process of building is supposed to be fun Roussouw’s personal attention which is
home renovations. During the average home and exciting and clients should always feel one of the reasons why a company like
UHQRYDWLRQ LW LV FRPPRQ WR ÀQG KLGGHQ that they have been given the best service Axle Projects is a pleasure to deal with.
unexpected challenges or ‘inherited defects’ as and quality once the dust has settled. It is also Management, staff and sub-contractors
contractors prefer to call them. What makes the of utmost importance to alleviate the typical alike have adopted the attitude of taking
difference between a project being successful building strains that are a common experience pride in their work and being helpful towards
and a project going sour, is how the building for clients. Axle Projects has made it their the client. This attitude, coupled with the
contractor approaches these issues, reassures primary focus to ensure exceptional service honesty and amicability of John, ensures
the client and keeps the momentum of the delivery, honest relationships and outstanding the best possible experience and ultimately
project in check. quality. If an element of the build is not done the most satisfactory final product that can
SURSHUO\ WKH ÀUVW WLPH WKH RQO\ RSWLRQ LV WR UHGR be achieved. This is a rare quality amongst
A building project is an investment, both in it and Axle Projects insists on this, regardless of building contractors.
time and money, for all parties. During this joint the resulting costs to the company.
investment, it is important that the relationship is For more information contact 078 357 7342;
well maintained long after the project is complete. Axle Projects not only builds in the email: or visit
The key to this success is ensuring that honesty domestic sector, it is also very active with
a and trust are top of mind throughout the process.
Another area where clients get caught
out, is o ” Client satisfaction
out, is on the initial costing of the project.
So often, building contractors produce
So often
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019