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                                            A NEW SCHOOL

                   hoosing a school for your child is one   A starting point is to look into the broader   alleviating the pressure, a school to consider
                   of the most important decisions you   educational philosophies (ethos) of the   is Pinnacle College Waterfall, which once was
              C will make as a parent. Get this right   VFKRRO DQG LI LW KDV D QDWXUDO ÀW WR \RXU   the SAB Training Institute in Barbeque Downs.
              and your child will, for the most part, be   family values and aspirations. If the ethos   This competitively-priced school forms part of
              happy, empowered and properly cared for. Get   ÀW FKHFNV RXW  \RX ZLOO WKHQ QHHG WR GULOO   the Pinnacle College family that consists of six
              this wrong and you inevitably invite tension,   down into the micro-space of the school. In   Pinnacle College campuses, situated across
              dysfunction and disillusionment into your life.  other words, what and who will engage with   *DXWHQJ  WKDW DUH DIÀOLDWHG ZLWK WKH $'Y7(&+
                                                 your child on a daily basis. There are many   Schools Division. The ADvTECH Schools
              Undeniably, part of the pressure comes from   differentiating considerations in this regard   Division has many years’ experience in school
              outside your family. The moment your child   QDPHO\  WHDFKHUV· TXDOLÀFDWLRQV  FODVV VL]HV    management and successfully owns and
              turns four, there seems to be a constant   extra/co-curricular programmes as well as the   operates more than 100 private schools and
              stream of, “So which school will they go   aesthetic ‘look and feel’ and vibe/spirit of the   colleges across South Africa and Botswana,
              to?” questions. There is a lot of pressure on   school. Once all of these factors have been   with a total enrolment of more than 30 000
              parents to get it right. This is a process that   taken into consideration, look at your bottom   students.
              needs to be worked through. There is no right   line and the affordability of the school.
              or wrong way to make this decision – only you                        Pinnacle College Waterfall will open its doors
              will know what is right for your child.  Having said all of this, and to assist you by   IRU WKH ÀUVW \HDU WR *UDGH     ²   VWXGHQWV

                                                                 ([FHOOHQFH    LQ DQG RXWVLGH

                                                                 of the classroom

                                                                                     .\DODPL (VWDWHV ‡ &211(&7 ‡ ,VVXH   ‡
                                                                                    Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019  23
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