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2019 IN REVIEW  St Legers Dam

                One of our biggest
                challenges over the
                last two years has
                been St Legers
                Dam and the
                invasive weed
                infestation.     ”

              has been planted with new trees, shrubs and
              ground covers, all of which are indigenous or
              water-wise. Additional parking areas were built
              for the residents living in this quiet enclave.
              The Estate storage building and staff canteen
              were looking really tired, with poor lighting,
              shelving on the brink of collapse and a sad
              little area for the staff to take a well-earned
              break. We have tiled the areas, fi tted a
              kitchenette in the canteen and provided new
              tables and chairs. New fl ooring was installed
              in the store areas and new shelving put up for
              the storage of all the essential maintenance
              supplies. Lighting was improved so you can
              now actually see the supplies!
              Our attention was drawn to the top dam at
              the main park where we had noticed that
              there was a hole developing in the spillway   Spillway
              that was allowing water to undermine the
              dam structure. We engaged the services of an                     It is the time of year when we sit back and refl ect
              engineer and, under his guidance, the spillway         on the year gone by.  It’s a time to celebrate the
              was repaired and the river way reinstated to
              allow for optimal water fl ow. In addition, two      successes achieved and all that has been
                                                   accomplished in improving the Estate.

                                                                                     Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 4 • 2019  5
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