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                                                                                no variation or real design challenge. The
                                                                                company was kind enough to let me stay
                                                                                on in a half day position for six months
                                                                                after  I resigned, and  this gave me some
                                                                                financial security while I worked on setting
                                                                                up my own business.

                                                                                Going on my own was the best career
                                                                                decision I have made. It was an immense
                                                                                learning curve and with each successful
                                                                                project, my confidence grew. I now often
                                                                                work overtime and on weekends (much
                                                                                more so than before) but I do it gladly as
                                                                                it is for my own business, and hard work
                                                                                translates directly into income.  I can also
                                                                                determine when I want to work and if I
                                                                                have to sort out personal business during
             Alice Lane by Karen Marais
                                                                                working hours, I can always catch up in
                                                                                the evening. At this point I’m working
                                                                                from home, so it saves on driving time and
             graphic designer and delivery truck!  If   Other advantages include growing in   traffic stress!
             you can’t be all these people, you need   areas you normally wouldn’t be exposed
             to be able to budget for assistance;  to because as a business owner, you need
           •  it can get lonely, especially in the   to  be able to  do many  things  yourself,   Although having to pay my own salary is
                                                                                stressful, I do feel more relaxed and have
             beginning, and  I missed being able  to   such as admin, accounting, marketing   a better family life because working for
             bounce ideas off a colleague;    and  the  core  component  of  the  service   oneself gives many options and more
           •  there  is no  pension,  medical  aid or   your business provides. Although this is   flexibility. However, one can feel lonely
             professional indemnity structure to fall   an advantage, it can also be considered a   working alone at home and I miss having
             within, and there is definitely no such   disadvantage as time management can be   someone as a sounding board, to bounce
             thing as a sick day!             challenging – sometimes you are so busy   ideas off. Fortunately though, I do have
                                              with completing projects that the business   quite a few friends who also work for
           GS: When my husband and I decided to   side of things takes a back seat.   themselves and they are really just a phone
           start a family, I knew that I wanted to spend                        call away. Networking is very important to
           as much time as possible with my kids, so   Another disadvantage is that the journey   ensure that you keep challenging yourself
           in 2015 I started my own landscape design   can be lonely but I have tried to combat   to produce better designs, not just those
           business, Sprout Landscapes,  working   this by connecting with other professionals   that are easy or quick.
           from home. This has been one of the best   through forums such as SACLAP, ILASA
           decisions I have made, and I’ve loved   and  social media. In the  near  future,  I     For tax purposes, working for oneself is a
           being able to spend so much time with my   hope to arrange a few opportunities for   good idea as there are so many expenses
           children, as well as being able to work at   creative professionals to get together and   you can write off against tax.
           the same time.                     discuss the challenges of running one’s
                                              own business.                     I’m often asked if it is difficult to have the
           The advantages of running your own                                   discipline  to work from home when there
           company means that you can decide   EVW:  At the last company I worked for, the   are so many distractions, but my response
           when you work and when you don’t, and   hours were very long and inflexible and I   is that it’s not when you know you have a
           this profession allows you to be flexible. I   felt that the workload was unreasonable.   monthly income target to reach!  LSA
           can arrange site visits at times that suit me,   So were the clients sometimes! I also felt
           and catch up on work at night when my   that  I  was  getting  into  a  rut,  doing  the
           children are asleep.               same kind of work day in and day out, with

           Elize van der Walt, owner of Walt Landscape   Gina Switala, owner of Sprout Landscapes   Karen Marais, owner of The Ochre Office
               Architects.   Nova Pioneer, Paulshof  Jasmyn Residence upgrade, University of   Alice Lane Piazza, Sandton

                                                                                     Landscape SA • Issue 93 2020      21
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