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Remote fall arrest rescue needs to protect them at the height at
Photo courtesy of HeightSafety which they are working;
• a toolbelt is to be used at all times when
working at an elevated position – be it a
ladder, scaffold or roof;
• ladders lie at the source of many
industrial and workplace accidents
simply because their use is taken for
granted. Ensure that there are three
points of contact with the ladder at all
times, so two legs, one hand, two hands,
one leg. This means nothing should be
carried up the ladder while ascending
it. A ladder safety system includes a
lanyard, harness and a continuous
vertical lifeline (cable or rigid rail)
that spans the height of the ladder. A
person other than the worker on the
ladder must be available to hold it at
ground level to assist with balance and
Training and more training
It cannot be stressed enough - training
is the most important aspect for people
working at heights. It is required by law
and will help to reduce fatalities in all
industries where working at heights is
necessary. Prepare, educate and inform
have to perform a “Working at Heights harness so that it fits the wearer properly employees as much as possible.
Rescue” to bring down a worker who has and works as it was designed to;
fallen and is suspended in a safety harness. • lanyards should also be properly Elton Fohren of FSG Property Services
In this case, it is important that the injured selected so that the deceleration (Landscaping) says that FSG is registered
person be rescued as quickly as possible device protects the worker, depending with Comsaf. He stresses the importance
for the following reasons: on the height at which the person is of them assisting to ensure compliance
• the worker may have suffered injuries working. A retractable lanyard may be with the main contractor’s health and
during the fall, requiring medical necessary and since each situation is safety officer to ascertain that FSG’s
attention; different, working conditions should be employees are certified to carry out the
• if suspended in a safety harness for a evaluated accordingly. The actual fall necessary tasks when working at heights.
long period of time, a worker may suffer distance needs to not only include the (FSG were the landscape contractors at
from blood pooling in the lower body. weight of the person using the harness, Park Central, the project mentioned at the
This can lead to suspension trauma but also the length of the lanyard when beginning of this article). Fohren adds
which may be physical, emotional, deployed, as well as the worker’s body that FSG’s safety officer works with Comsaf
psychological or all three; length and any sagging in the harness to ensure that all correct administrative
• the worker’s feet should be kept and anchor system; procedures are completed daily; this is
moving to prevent reduced flow of • harnesses and lanyards should be essential for the monitoring of staff when
blood to the brain that could lead to inspected annually or more frequently working at extreme heights.
unconsciousness or death; by a qualified person;
• a suspended worker may panic if not • equipment should be inspected by the Acknowledgements for informa-
rescued quickly. user prior to every use; tion
• select an acceptable anchor point on the
The following are a few tips to roof. It is only acceptable if it has been Comsaf Pty Ltd - 011 425 6352
help mitigate the risks of working designed by a professional engineer Lorna Cockeran 083 635 3391
Denise Vermaak 076 327 2219
at heights: who has calculated the expected
loads. The anchor points or lifelines are
• where possible, use railing which is a to undergo annual load tests, where
form of passive protection. There are certificates are issued by a competent Acknowledgements for photos
railing systems for almost every style of person;
rooftop such as non-penetrating railing, • use the proper equipment for working Images supplied by and licensed to Delta
parapet mounted railing or metal roof at heights, such as a scaffold, lift or Health and Safety Equipment
railing. Regardless of which type is used, ladder, depending on the situation/
rails are easy fall protection systems to circumstances. A person in a lift needs HeightSafety Lizette Scheepers
use; to be properly tied-off, i.e secured to LSA
BIOLOGICAL • select the correct PPE – the main the engineered anchor point designed
concern has to be the ability to adjust a for the lift. This means that he/she can’t
wrap the lanyard around the rails and it
Landscape SA • Issue 93 2020 25