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            Y-shaped concrete columns determined the plant design at the hotel’s main entrance

           water feature, she sent it to Naina Jivan of   Combretum erythrophyllum trees have
           GLH Architects, who incorporated it  into   been planted alongside the walkway.
           the overall building plan drawings.  The                                        Project Team
           conceptual  design  was  co-ordinated  and   Clean simplicity
           detailed by GLH Architects.                                                 Client:  Capital Hotel Group
                                              Although not a large part of the overall   Architects: GLH Architects
           Plant and tree choices were limited in this   site, the clean simplicity and sophistication   Development Management:
           area due to the low lighting conditions. A   of the landscaping is key to the project’s   Construct Capital
           few grow lights have been installed and   success.  It  complements  the  hotel  in  an   Landscape Design and Installation:
           have been  placed to cast a flow of light   understated yet very effective way.  Bertha Wium Landscape Development
           onto the trees. Uplighters are embedded
           in the pebble floors of the water feature,   Photos Courtesy of GLH Architects and by   Contact Bertha Wium Landscape
           highlighting the sculptural blocks and   Karyn Richards                   Development on 012 543 2038
           weirs.                             Text by Karyn Richards      LSA              or 082 457 1527
           Pool area

           The infinity overflow pool on the deck in
           front of the hotel’s restaurant provides a
           good view into the distance and across
           Mushroom  Farm  Park,  a  green  lung  in
           Sandton. Large square tree boxes next to
           the pool contain  Harpephyllum caffrum
           trees, underplanted with clipped Viburnum
           and Star Jasmine hedges.  “Viburnum is
           a simple hedge which provides good
           shape and form inside the boxes; these are
           higher at the back and slope gently down
           in front,” says Wium.

           At the far end of the pool and spilling out
           from the side of the restaurant, rectangular
           areas of All Seasons Evergreen grass have
           been  planted,  interspersed  with  raised
           timber steps. From here, guests can look
           down over the park, a paved walkway
           through it and a small river. A bog garden
           can also be seen; it has a high water table
           and is planted with appropriate plant
           material comprising bog grasses, Cyperus   Sloped hedges following planter shapes at the pool deck
           papyrus and  Zantedeschia aethiopica.

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