Page 13 - Landscape-Issue124
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Example of an urban wetland in the south of Johannesburg
Dumping and encroaching onto an urban wetland An urban wetland can add pleasing aesthetics to a built-up environment
rban wetlands are defined as ecosystem, and release the water slowly because of the increased development in
wetlands that occur in and around into the environment; catchment areas.
Uurbanised areas and these can • due to the hydrology, geomorphology Urban wetland management is now
either be natural or constructed. They are and vegetation found in wetlands, the crucial to alleviate the further loss of
often referred to as the “city’s kidney” or water that enters this ecosystem can wetlands. It is important for any urban
“biodiversity library”, due to their ability to be purified through sedimentation wetland management plan to make
purify water passing through the wetland that allows particles to settle due to provision for sustainable development
ecosystem and being a habitat to a vast the reduced speed of water. Also, that can be beneficial to both humans
number of different plant and animal certain heavy metals can be absorbed and the environment. Urban wetland
species. Natural or artificial wetlands can by specialised plants within wetlands, management strategies should include
be permanently or temporarily flooded. making them unavailable in the water. community projects to promote
Natural wetlands make up lakes, marshes, The total population of South Africans better management of wetlands, a
floodplains, peatland, estuaries, mangroves living in urban areas in 2021 was over centralised legal framework that helps
and coral reefs, and artificial/constructed 67%. By 2030, the numbers are expected protect wetlands, and buy-in from local
wetlands are ponds, storm water treatment to reach levels of over 71% and by 2050, government to ensure that the green/
sites, drains, reservoirs and constructed eight out of ten people will be residing in blue infrastructure is well protected by
canals. Some of the goods and services urban areas. Due to urbanisation, more enforcing the law.
provided by urban wetlands include: urban green/blue infrastructure has been The management of urban wetlands
• socio-economic benefits to the lost to compensate for the increasing has been presented with many challenges
community, where grass-like plants from population and because wetlands are ranging from urbanisation to climate
the sedge family (Bulrushes or Typha highly sensitive ecosystems, they have change, which highlights the amount
capensis) are harvested for making mats, been hit the hardest. This has led to an of dedication still needed to preserve
baskets or brooms. Fishing from wetlands alarming decline in the existence of these sensitive ecosystems. With more
can also provide communities with food; wetlands and other challenges, such as: than 70% of wetland ecosystem types
• recreational/leisure activities are • decrease in wetland biodiversity; with no protection in South Africa, this
monetised to increase job employment • changes in the hydrological regime of calls for immediate action for wetland
for the communities living in the vicinity wetlands; conservation, especially as this is a water
of wetlands; • an increase in wastewater, pollution and scarce country. To make an impact on
• their microclimate allows wetlands to pesticides that end up in the wetlands wetlands in your area, please visit the
reduce overheating in urban areas; because of the change in the landscape Water Wise website to see how you can
• they reduce the occurrence of floods and land uses within the catchment get involved in wetlands conservation.
in urban areas by reducing the speed/ areas;
power of water that enters the wetland • an increase in soil erosion within wetlands Always be Water Wise! n
Landscape SA • Issue 124 2023 11