Page 15 - Landscape-Issue124
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Existing trees enhance the micro climate within the intimate canteen patio
The existing Palm tree canopy improves the scale
of the building’s façade above the canteen patio
Entrance staircase embraced and shadowed by the existing tree canopy
Platanus, Persea and Podocarpus heritage trees
experienced as part of the building’s ‘Lover’s Walk’
Glimpses into the Persea and Podocarpus tree canopy from within the glazed link
the extent of the tree canopies in relation complements the leafy aesthetic of the within the tree protection areas. Regular
to the building volumes. Considering the lower campus and ensures the protection communication with the contractors and
established tree canopies and the trees’ and retention of the established tree consultants was crucial in making certain
root protection zones, the building is canopy. that excavations, service routes, storage
divided into two distinct parts wrapping Before demolition works commenced of material on site and the movement
around the established Persea americana on site the trees were pruned, fertiliser of heavy machinery and the crane did
(Avocado Pear), Podocarpus latifolius applied and protective hoarding installed not inadvertently harm the health of the
(Yellow Wood) and Platanus acerifolia by the arborists. Signage was installed on trees. A tree protection method statement
(Plane) trees which form the soft all the hoarding fencing, explaining that formed part of the main contractor’s
landscaped courtyard entrance to the the fenced-in areas were tree protection tender specification, ensuring that they
building. The result is that the building zones. TKLA developed an infographic to were aware of the sensitivity of the
nestles amongst the trees in a manner that explain what was and was not allowed trees when they prepared their tender
Landscape SA • Issue 124 2023 13