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was required around each Baobab. used for hardening off of plants and his visits and that it was “fascinating” to
“Justin was required to protect all plant although the site was windswept, it did work on such a large project with so many
material, especially close to the river. protect plant material to some extent different components.
Unfortunately, as soon as construction during the cyclone. “The project was bigger than anything
was completed, cyclone Idai hit the 5. All lawn installed for the project was I’ve done in South Africa and I loved the
Mozambique coastline, destroying locally sourced and sprigged. huge open spaces, the boulevard next to
thousands of mangrove trees. Fortunately 6. Young undertook berming with limited the main road and the wide promenade
however, the young trees being amounts of soil which was procured in that created a type of Rio atmosphere.
propagated were available for planting, advance. Inez has a lot of experience and it was
and all in all, he did a good job despite 7. Barnard made 4-5 trips to Beira and good to have her as part of the team. She
this difficult situation.” after each one, submitted an inspection was very accommodating in her work
report. Since most of the landscaping with us and I gained knowledge and
Fact file took place during the Covid lockdown, learnt something new from this project,
1. Phytosanitary certificates for plants no visits were possible at that time and due to the very different environment
from South Africa were organised communication, images and diagrams and working conditions.”
by Deighton Clegg with a nursery in took place on WhatsApp; updated He concludes that “it was not a
Malelane. drawings were emailed directly to site; traditional role for NLA, frustrating
2. All plants from South Africa were 8. He worked with landscape architect in some ways, making do with what
transported to Beira by road. Ines Goncalves and all his drawings was available, but on the whole very
3. Local Mozambique plants were were signed off by her. enjoyable and a good experience. The
propagated or sourced from street project speaks for itself.”
vendors as well as the main supplier in Personal comments
Maputo, Santa Verde Lda. Barnard says that it was very rewarding All drawings courtesy of Newtown Landscape
4. The nursery established by Young was to see the growth achieved after each of Architects. Text by Karyn Richards. n
Revised tree layout
18 Landscape SA • Issue 125 2023