Page 12 - Landscape-Issue134
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          By Dr Jonathan Foley

          No other plant has so influenced human history. As one of the oldest plant
          families on Earth dating back millions of years, grasses, giant ferns and fir trees

          dominated the landscape.

          Aloe cooperii               Gladiolus dalenii                   Watsonia densiflorus

             he development of grasslands in the   is the second largest  in the country,   through  agriculture  and  urban
             Miocene period was assisted by two   covering one third of the land surface and   development in all provinces so that only
          Tpowerful forces: fire and herbivores.   known for its exceptional biodiversity.   a remnant of scattered islands remains.
          As  William Bond describes it:  “Grasses   Found largely on the inland plateau of the   Due to the ancient and complex nature of
          opened  up  space  in  a  land  covered  with   summer rainfall region, the habitat covers   the grassland ecosystem, transformation
          forests and into the space poured the   inland and coastal regions of the Eastern   of Afromontane grassland by ploughing
          sunlight. From the sunlit and open spaces   Cape, KwaZulu- Natal, Gauteng, Northwest   is sadly irreversible. Grassland scientist
          that grasses had created, a plethora of life   Province, Mpumulanga and Limpopo. The   Craig Morris notes that usually only one in
          emerged”. This included the development   winter rainfall region of the Western Cape is   five plants naturally present are actually
          of flowering plants or Angiosperms. (Bond   well represented by another unique plant   grasses, the rest are called ‘forbs’, the non-
          is a grassland ecologist and emeritus   group, the restios, however these are not   grassy herbs or ‘wild flowers’ which include
          professor at UCT).                 grasses but are allied to the Protea family.     low growing herbaceous plants, succulents
           With over 10,000 species of grass   The  botanical  ‘hotspots’  or  conservation   and bulbous plants. It is this rich variety of
          worldwide, ranging from the short grasses   flashpoints of most concern are the moist,   plants that make grassland gardening so
          of lawns to the towering bamboo, there are   temperate (cool weather) Afromontane   intriguing and challenging.
          few aspects of our lives that are not touched   grasslands of the Drakensburg as well as   Grassland  plants  are  largely  perennial
          by grasses.  They stabilise  soil with their   the  Maputoland  –  Pondoland  –  Albany   ‘re-sprouters’ which often require seasonal
          extensive root systems, supply oxygen, act   complex which stretches along the Eastern   burning  to  survive  and  reproduce.  The
          as a carbon sink and provide food, medicine   seaboard from Kosi Bay in the north   ‘pre-rain’  flowers  are  a  unique  group
          and building materials.            to the rivers of the Eastern Cape in the   which flower and set seed after the
           This article focusses on the ecological   south. According to botanist Braam van   dormant season, following fire but before
          importance of our local indigenous grasses   Wyk,  these  species-rich  regions  compare   the first rains. These survivalist tactics are
          and describes how to recreate a grassland   with the world’s most significant primary   typical of the Angiosperms or flowering
          garden using locally available resources.    grasslands: the prairies in North America,   plants which developed following the
                                             the pampas in South America and the   dinosaur age. In brief, primary or original
          Significance of South African      eastern steppes of Euro- Asia.     grasslands are maintained by burning and
          grasslands                          The grassland biome is the most   grazing. It is often not possible to engage
          In  ecological  terms,  the  grassland  biome   threatened,  having  been  transformed   in burning in a suburban environment,

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