Page 13 - Landscape-Issue134
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           Melinis nerviglumis flower                        Panicum natalensis flower

           but scheduled and selective pruning   to  this  project  and  starting  on  a  blank   height, removing all dead growth.
           takes care of the grazing regime.   canvas. The second is revegetating existing   Indigenous  grasses  may  be  purchased
            The  other  ecological  aspect  to  land. In the last scenario you ‘manage’ the   in plugs or bags. Alternatively, on a large
           understand is the fact that grasslands are   ecosystem by removing all invasive alien   eco-estate or farm, ‘veld sodding’ may take
           prone  to  succession  by  forests.  In  nature   plants and  allowing the plants from the   place whereby sods are cut and lifted from
           this occurs where indigenous woody   natural seed banks in the soil to emerge.   one location to the next, thus moving grass,
           invaders or pioneers encroach onto the   To develop the new garden, strip the   herbaceous plants, local soil and attendant
           grassland  and  shade  out  all  competition.   area of all weeds, dig deep for aeration   seed banks in one operation. Ensure
           This happens largely in high rainfall   and incorporate only natural composts   you  have  extracted  sods  to  an  adequate
           areas such as the east coast which favour   -  not  artificial  fertilisers.  Shape  or  model   depth and that no stems or bulbs have
           the  development  of  forests.  In  order  to   the ground to fit in with the surrounding   broken off in the process. Only do this on
           maintain the grassland biome, these areas   gardens,  incorporating  weathered  rocks   privately owned land and with a permit
           have to be actively managed by removing   or logs as accessories. Select and install   from the relevant provincial conservation
           these woody invaders manually.     suitable plants at a low density (eight plants   authorities. Another method of establishing
                                              per square meter) in spring. Add a layer of   wild grass species is sowing of seed or the
           Designing, establishing and        mulch and water thoroughly.  Thereafter,   purchase of seed mixes which are available
           maintaining indigenous grassland   avoid over-watering and allow the natural   from some turfgrass farms and farmers co-
           gardens                            rains to do the work. Grasses normally   ops. Winter and summer mixes are available
           The trend in South African gardening is to   flower in May so allow them to die back   but avoid those containing exotic Tef and
           reduce or even replace lawn areas entirely   and provide a winter trim to about 5cm in   Vetiver cultivars.
           with a richer, biodiverse planting
           that uses less water and attracts the
           natural wildlife of the area. Indigenous
           grasses can be integrated into
           existing gardens as design elements
           such as form plants or groundcovers,
           softening the hard edges of Aloes and
           providing a rich tapestry of changing
           seasonal colour. Alternatively, a
           dedicated grassland can be created in
           a suitable sunny area.
            Since the garden is a recreation
           of the natural environment, find out
           what species grow in your area, soil
           type  and  climatic  zone. You  can  do
           this by joining a local branch of the
           Botanical Society and going on their
           various walks and outings which are
           unique to each region.
            Sunlight and space are the key
           determining  factors.  In  order  to
           achieve  optimal  results,  these
           gardens  must  receive  6-8  hours  of
           sun  per  day.  If  this  is  not  possible,
           use the shade loving grass species
           in combination with other suitable
           forest plants.
            There are two scenarios for
           establishment. The first is dedicating
           a brand new section of the garden   Aristida junciformis              Melinis nerviglumis plant

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