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           The foundation of sustainable landscaping lies in the recognition that all living

           things are interconnected, and decisions made in one part of the ecosystem affect
           the entire system. Sustainable landscaping aims to improve the natural ecosystem
           while minimising the negative effects on the environment during the design and
           maintenance of outdoor spaces. Furthermore, sustainable landscaping entails actions

           that uphold local biodiversity, conserve water and resources, maintain soil health and
           promote the overall health and well-being of the community and environment.

           How to implement sustainable practices in your landscape design

           Efficient Watering                  texture, aeration and drainage. For
           •   Water is a valuable resource, especially   example,  to  attract  earthworms  into
            scarce in many regions. As winter   your garden, incorporate organic
            approaches, water plants thoroughly   matter into your soil, keep the soil
            but less frequently.               surface mulched and limit the use
           •   Water established gardens with mature   of chemical pesticides and synthetic
            plants every second week and newly   fertilisers.
            constructed gardens once a week to   •   To enhance the growth of lawn, leave
            encourage deep root growth.        grass clippings on your lawn to allow
           •   Use  mulch!  It  can  prevent  up  to  75%   them to decompose naturally.
            of evaporation loss, reduce runoff and
            keep the soil cool.
           •   Water the highest parts of the garden
            first so any runoff can benefit the lower                              and other insects which in turn attract
            dry areas of your garden.                                              garden birds and other wildlife.
           •   Reduce  your  lawn  irrigation.  If  it  is                       By using natural methods to promote
            brown,  it’s  not  dead.  Allow  your  lawn                          plant growth, reduce waste and conserve
            to go dormant in winter as this mimics                               resources, landscapers can work together
            the natural cycle and is also a natural                              to create a more sustainable future for
            protection mechanism for grass to                                    present and future generations.
            withstand weather and seasonal
                                                                                   Cultivating a greener
                                                                                       future through

                                                                                  sustainable Water Wise
                                              Choosing the Correct Plants
                                              •   Use indigenous plants that are naturally   practices.
                                               adapted to your area.
                                              •   Endemic plants have deeper and more             FOR FURTHER
                                               active root systems, making them more             INFORMATION ON
                                               tolerant to drought conditions and               WATER WISE, PLEASE
                                               unfavourable soil conditions.                     CONTACT US ON:
                                              •   Indigenous  plants  are  adapted  to  the       0860 10 10 60.
                                               local climate and soil conditions, which
                                               means they will require less water and

           Creating Healthy Soil using        Encourage Biodiversity
           Organic Material                   •   Support a natural ecosystem to help
           •   Recycle your organic and garden waste   prevent the extinction of plant and
            to create your own compost.        animal species.                        
           •   Nutrient rich, healthy soils are ideal   •   Implementing  sustainable  practices
            for plant growth as they contain lots   will attract a diverse range of wildlife
            of micro-organisms that can transform   to  your  garden,  enhancing  the  area’s
            organic matter and minerals into vital   ecological diversity.
            plant nutrients.                  •   Use fallen leaves from deciduous trees
           •   Any  kind  of  organic  matter  added to   in your flower beds and containers to
            the soil will significantly enhance its   provide nourishment for invertebrates

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