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          Conradie  Park  in  Pinelands,  Cape  Town,  is  a  mixed-income,  mixed-use  housing
          development, a partnership between the developers, Concor, and the Western Cape
          government. It is described as a self-contained town for the future, located within a
          sustainable, green urban park.

          Vegetated sidewalks at the main vehicular entrance

                                                andscape architect Andrew Kerrin says   performing the following vital functions:
          Project Team                          that the brief was developed together   •   they  accommodate  multi-modal,
          Client and Main Contractor:       Lwith the client as part of the urban   pedestrian-orientated movement where
          Concor Construction                design / masterplan process. The landscape   vehicular  movement  and  speeds  are
          Project Manager:  Igual            masterplan was built up from several   limited;
          Urban Designer: dhk / Jakupa       components that formed an integrated   •   they provide green infrastructure in the
          Architects: dhk / Jakupa           and functional system. These components   form of stormwater attenuation,
          Landscape Architect – dhk / GREENinc  comprise the streets, courtyards, a main   •   they provide planters and bio-swales
          Landscape Contractors: Contours    park, public spaces and sustainable urban   that capture and attenuate stormwater;
          Group and Langverwacht Landscaping  drainage.                         •   they  provide  passive  recreational  areas
                                              The streets form a large component of   in the form of seating alongside street
                                             the Conradie Park public space network,   planting; and

            Aerial view of Heritage Square. The design approach was to provide spaces that enable people to connect

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