Page 17 - Landscape-Issue138
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           Above and right: Conradie Park main vehicular entrance
                                                                                 •   they provide vehicular parking and space
                                                                                   for street infrastructure which includes
                                                                                   seating, bicycle parking,  bins, lighting
                                                                                   and wayfinding.
                                                                                   The perimeter building courtyards perform
                                                                                 a vital semi-private / public space function
                                                                                 that creates secure open space environments
                                                                                 for active and passive use by residents of the
                                                                                 respective perimeter blocks.  This includes
                                                                                 providing safe spaces for the elderly and
                                                                                 children,  social  seating  relief,  visual  relief,
                                                                                 micro-climatic planting, multi-functional
                                                                                 open spaces and activated play spaces.
                                                                                   The courtyards also fulfil a stormwater
                                                                                 management function in the capture and
                                                                                 attenuation of stormwater.
                                                                                 Parks and public spaces
           Lobelia anceps        Zephyranthes candida  Gabion walls along the canal for   The main park space plays a key role in the
                                                       flood water control
                                                                                 social, ecological and technical functioning of
                                                                                 the development. The park provides valuable
                                                                                 green relief space, active recreational space,
                                                                                 performs  stormwater  attenuation,  acts  as  a
                                                                                 flood barrier, and creates an ecological zone.
                                                                                 It consists of three main components namely
                                                                                 the promenade edge, the ecological and
                                                                                 stormwater zone, and the activated berm.
                                                                                   In addition to the main park, two pocket
                                                                                 parks are integrated into the denser urban
                                                                                 fabric.  Their main function is to provide a
                                                                                 green breakaway space, passive and active
                                                                                 amenities,  stormwater  infiltration  and
                                                                                 attenuation basins.  They also act as the
                                                                                 starting point of a bio-swale system that runs
                                                                                 in a southerly direction towards the ecological
                                                                                 detention facility situated in the main park.
           Attenuation ponds within the Grand Park                                 In  addition  to  the  streets  and  parks,  a
                                                                                 number of defined public spaces form key
                                                                                 areas in the public space network, with
                                                                                 the  main  public  squares  functioning  as
                                                                                 civic spaces within the development.  The
                                                                                 development provides two main public
                                                                                 squares,  a  primary  square  aligned  on  the
                                                                                 main entrance axis to the development, and
                                                                                 a  secondary,  lower  order  square  where  the
                                                                                 western most pedestrian street terminates.
                                                                                 The  public  squares  are  the  main  gathering
                                                                                 spaces of the development, where daily
                                                                                 public functions and events take place.
                                                                                   The spaces are predominantly hard-
                                                                                 surfaced, but function as breakaway lawn
                                                                                 spaces with strategic planting, concession
                                                                                 space to retail edges, defined seating areas,
                                                                                 stormwater capture, tree planting and
           Streets and sidewalks within the social housing precinct              general street furniture. These public spaces

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