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          also define a heritage line that runs through   The proposed SUDS system thus consists   benches, litter bins, bollards and bicycle
          the development, connecting two historical   of a capture and attenuation area, bio-  racks, were also custom designed for the
          buildings which have been converted to   swale, street planters, detention ponds and   project.
          public amenities along a historical windbreak.  wet ponds / artificial wetlands.  Irrigation  uses  treated  effluent  which  is
                                                                                available in Cape  Town. Most irrigation is
          Sustainable urban drainage (SUDS)  Design approach for affordable     done through drip to avoid loss in windy
          A key design feature of the development is   housing development      and hot conditions. Large areas like the
          that it incorporates green infrastructure into   Kerrin says that the design approach was   big parks are irrigated through manually
          the public realm in the form of sustainable   slightly  different  compared  to  a  ‘normal’     moved sprayers.
          urban drainage, rather than a conventional   type of landscape project.  “Obviously
          hard engineering approach to stormwater   the budget was a key consideration, so   Conclusion
          attenuation. The design aims to achieve the   we needed to find clever alternatives to   The strategic planning and design focussed
          following:                         materials  and  construction  techniques.   on  the  project’s  key  needs  and  this  has
          •   to use pocket parks as stormwater capture   Design solutions also needed to be very   resulted in a successful landscaping
           and infiltration areas;           robust and simple to replicate at a later   environment  that  meets  the  community’s
          •   to integrate the stormwater infrastructure   stage (should areas need  to be repaired).   requirements,  whilst  also  creating  new
           into the streetscape as amenity planters   However, the approach from a design   landscaped spaces. Concor also encourages
           (bio-swales);                     perspective remained the same as any   the surrounding communities to come
          •   to integrate stormwater detention storage   other project, namely to provide good   and enjoy the various green open spaces,
           areas into a park design as an integrated   spaces for people to connect.”  fostering the spirit of the project, namely
           space;                             The strong winds and hot, dry summers   a safe, integrated, mixed-use development
          •   to capture as much stormwater as possible   of the Cape Flats also had to be factored   for everyone.
           in soft and planted areas;        into the design.                     Mark Schonrock of Concor Construction
          •   to infiltrate as much stormwater as                               says they are extremely proud of what
           possible into the groundwater system;  Soft and hard landscaping     they have achieved so far, and they look
          •   to treat and filtrate as much stormwater as   All  plants  are  indigenous  to  the  Western   forward to the successful completion of
           possible along its routing to the detention   Cape biome. In terms of hard landscaping,   the development, which stands as one of
           facility;                         this comprised a combination of two   the  Western  Cape’s  seven  strategic ‘game
          •   to store as much stormwater as possible   paving  palettes: a red brick palette that   changer’ projects.
           on-site for future, non-potable water uses;   responds to the heritage of the site, and a
           and                               concrete grey paver palette to add contrast   Text supplied by Andrew Kerrin of GREENinc
          •   to accommodate all 1:50 year storm events’   and variety (pavers were custom-designed   Photos supplied by Andrew Kerrin and Mark
           stormwater within the development.  for the project). All street furniture, namely   Schonrock of Concor Construction

          Primary pedestrian spine linking the heritage precinct to the Grand Park

          Social housing courtyard

                                                          Above and left: Indigenous Cape planting mixes     n

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