Page 28 - Silver Lakes January Issue 2023
P. 28


        fall into the trap of making mountains out   Our reality is generated by our focus.   dangerous. We tend to self-sabotage our
        of molehills. Things you can work on and   Whatever we focus on develops and grows.   relationships  by  regarding  those  around
        change,  change.  Stop  ruminating  on  the   So, a new beginning could just be the result   us in the wrong way. We become self-
        things you cannot change – let them go.   of a shift in one’s focus.       critical, asking questions like: “Why is my
                                                                                   life/marriage/friendship not like that?”
        3. Laugh more                        Place  your  attention  on  the  things  that
        You may be struggling to get your life back   matter. It may be hard at first, but you can   As  an  outsider,  can  you  honestly  know
        in order, or to find your purpose or attain   start  by  practising.  Go  back  to  the  basics   exactly  what  someone  else’s  life  or
        your  goal.  Be  present  and  be  a  warrior,   and redefine what is important to you. In   relationship is like?
        but don’t forget to laugh. Even during the   the  end,  your  lenses  will  be  cleaner  and
        most difficult time in your life you can find   your focus sharper.        We don’t know what goes on behind
        reasons to laugh. Too  much  of anything                                   closed doors. We cannot imagine the
        is not good – too much commitment, too   6. Act, don’t react               dramas that hide behind the façade of
        much strain, too much seriousness will, in   If you keep reacting to what is happening,   friendship.  We  can,  however,  change
        the  end,  have  the  opposite  effect.  It  will   you will never start afresh. You will end up   how we analyse others and how we
        drag you down. So, try to keep things light.  continuously being chased by what you are   allow feedback to be processed. This
                                             running from. This is because change by   opens the door to perspective. By gaining
        Laugh at yourself while you struggle to   reaction comes from fear and denial. Make   perspective on our relationships, we are
        lift  heavier  weights  at  the  gym.  Laugh   your own judgement in situations and be   better able to see things more clearly –
        with your family when your child tells yet   proactive rather than reactive.  but this cannot happen if we think that
        another  knock-knock  joke.  Laugh  inside                                 change in our own lives is impossible.
        when someone is being unkind because   This process starts by you acknowledging   Then we have already self-sabotaged the
        their  unkindness  is  a  reflection  of  them,   that you are largely what you tell yourself.   change.
        not you.                             You  do  what  you  continuously  tell  your
                                             brain to do. What you believe you can   8. The perfection trap
        4. Practise your “yes” and your “no”  change and can do, you will change and do.   Linked to the point above is the idea of
        Change  is  never  about  negativity.  You   Those  things  that  you  firmly  believe  you   perfection. Perfection is a big mind trap.
        cannot change as long as you are stuck.   cannot change will not change. Make sure   There is no perfection in life. There are no
        Denial and resistance to anything new   that you involve yourself in this process and   perfect marriages, perfect friendships or
        brings  immobility,  and  movement  is   change  all  the  “I  cannot”  responses  to  “I   perfect people. Perfection does not exist.
        difficult  when  you  are  immobile.  When   can”. Start afresh by taking action.  Everybody is just doing their best, same as
        you’re  stuck  in  a  rut,  very  few  options                             you are. So, let us suspend the notion of
        for  change  are  available.  Saying  “yes”  to   7. Stop self-sabotage    perfection and rather pursue the notion
        doing things differently may open the way   Your biggest enemy is you. Whether you   of being better and doing better. Be better
        for  possibilities  and  growth.  Any  genuine   are  afraid  of  success  or  you  fear  failure,   than you were yesterday – because being
        change will be fuelled by your capacity to   these are a major part of your mindset   better  will  always  offer  you  room  for
        say “yes”.                           and can be a form of self-sabotage. This is   change. Chasing perfection will not.

        Likewise,  you  may  also  need  to  learn  to
        say  “no”  –  no  to  an  abusive  relationship,
        a  drama-filled  friendship,  a  boring  job,  a
        limiting  context.  The  more  you  practise
        saying  “no”,  the  better  you  will  become
        at  refusing  to  accept  negativity  and  toxic
        situations.  Do  not  take  anything  for
        granted.  You  have  the  power  to  say  “no”
        to certain things in your life. You have the
        power to say “no” to the past, and “yes” to
        the future.

        5. Clear your view
        The road to change may be right in front
        of  you,  but  you  can’t  see  it.  Why?  Either
        because your lenses have become blurred
        or you are focusing on the wrong things.

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