Page 29 - Silver Lakes January Issue 2023
P. 29


        9. Get rid of the guardians          people.  In  many  cases,  the  old  ways  of   These  younger  guardians,  the  leaders
        More and more in my private practice, I see   doing  things  no  longer  apply.  So,  the  old   of  our  pack,  speak  with  authority  in  our
        individuals and couples who have been told   ways of being married and raising children   friendship  circles  and  sometimes,  even  in
        by various so-called authority figures how   no  longer  fit  the  challenges  of  a  modern,   our homes. We need to be careful about
        things should be. These guardians may be   technologically driven world.   which guardian voices we listen to. There
        our parents, or role models, or influencers                               are those who provide growth and positive
        whose views of the world are well publicised   Of course, there are valuable insights that   experiences for development, but there are
        and given undue attention. Too many of us   the  older  generations  provide,  and  I  am   also those who provide stagnation and keep
        follow individuals who have idealistic views   not negating these, but these are not the   us small. These guardians have no place in
        or unattainable goals – many of which do   instances  I  am  referring  to. I  am  referring   a fresh start. They may actually impede
        not feature as part of our reality.   to  situations  where  the  grandparents  are   development and growth as they act out of
                                             unable to understand the changes that have   a selfish need to maintain the status quo.
        A person in authority may be abusive and   occurred,  with  the  result  that  things  are
        play power games, so be careful who you   now being done differently. The norm these   10. Talk
        choose to listen to. A guardian may try to   days is technology, the fast pace of change   Slow  progress  is  still  progress,  so  don’t
        hamper your efforts at making a fresh start   and the need for the younger generation to   let anyone or anything prevent you from
        because this doesn’t suit them – it serves   keep up. Even parents find it hard to keep   growing. If you are having trouble moving on
        their purpose better if you continue to ‘fit   up with these rapidly occurring changes.   and making the fresh start you seek, talk to
        in’ and not grow and develop. They may see                                somebody. It can be a friend or a therapist.
        your process of change as being disruptive   Staying true  to out-of-date  views or   By retelling your story to someone else, you
        to their sense of security and their version   principles  will  not  enable  you  to  start   will not only feel a little better but may also
        of reality.                          afresh. The opposite is true: by maintaining   find a new idea, a solution or the courage
                                             the view of past generations that “this is the   you lack to start afresh. Other people can
        While we  need to acknowledge  the   way it is done”, we are immobilised. Retain   often be the triggers of your change.
        influence  that  our  family  of  origin  plays   the good things from the past, but disregard
        in our lives, we do not need to give them   anything that limits you.     In conclusion, be positive about what lies
        undue power over us. As adults, our parents                               ahead, and make it your mission for 2023
        are  our most obvious  guardians.  Parents   Guardians also come in the form of friends,   to be the year that you achieve great
        may  unwittingly,  or  sometimes  knowingly,   boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives.   things.
        play power  games. They are older  and
        therefore, we are told, “wiser”, so we must
        listen to them. However, their power games
        may be aimed at keeping you or your family
        under their  thumb rather  than aimed at
        helping you.

        Some  parents  exert  control  directly  by
        providing finances; others apply more subtle
        forms of manipulation, such as playing off
        their adult  children against their spouses   o Marital, Couples & Family Therapy
        or partners. Couples need  to remember   o Counselling Children, Adolescents & Adults
        that  being  married  or  co-habiting  means
                                               o “Teen” Challenges
        they can move away from their parents.
        Therefore, if you are in a couple situation   o Behavioural & Adjustment Challenges
        where the guardians are calling the shots, it   o Stress-Related Challenges
        may be time for a change as a fresh start is   o Adjustment to Depression & Anxiety
        not possible in this context.
                                               o Subject & Career Psychometric Testing

        The   older   generation   –   be   they                For an appointment please call
        grandparents,  older  friends  or  teachers  –
        may  often  voice  misplaced  ideas  because                   083 376 1995
        they  come  from  a  different  era.  Many  of      Fees are charged according to Scale of Benefits
        the social demands that they had to cope
                                                       Practice Address: 27 Fish Eagle Street, Silver lakes, Pretoria
        with have changed. The world has moved
                                                            Pr. Nr. 0860000114022  |  Reg. No.: PS 0080543
        on, placing different demands on younger

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