Page 12 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 12



             fter  a  busy  month  on  the
             golf course, we congratulate
        Aour  winners  and  share  their
        overall results.

        Here at Silver Lakes, we have
        our  very  own  South  African  Mid-
        Amateur  Champion  in  Andrew
        Curlewis. Well done!

        Congratulations to Jonathan Rijnen
        and  Lumar  Fourie  on  your  hole-in-
        ones on hole number 9.
        Congratulations  to  Ruben  Jansen
        van Rensburg  on being part  of the
        winning  team  at  the  2024  South   Ruben Jansen van Rensburg                  Jonathan Rijnen
        African  Country  Districts  Inter-
        Provincial Tournament.          For the first time in the Silver Lakes history, our   Our  ladies  fared  just  as  well  as  their
                                        Men’s Senior Scratch League Team won, we are   male  counterparts.  Congratulations  to
        Big congratulations to Bernard Koster   so proud of you!                  Lameez Kourie on her achievement at the
        on winning the Harry Oppenheimer                                          KwaZulu-Natal  Mid-Amateur  and  Senior
        Trophy. The tournament took place  The Men’s Scratch League Team won for the fifth   Championship,  played  at  Selborne  Golf
        at  Maccauvlei  Golf  Club  from   consecutive year, a hearty congratulations to you   Course on 2 and 3 June. Lameez won the
        10 - 12 June.                   for this amazing achievement!             Mid-Am  Championship  in  challenging

        Men’s Scratch League Team                           Men’s Senior Scratch League Team

        The ladies who took part in 29  Annual Senior Women’s National Tournament  The 29  Annual Senior Women’s National Tournament
        10 | INTRAMUROS JULY 2024
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