Page 13 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 13


        Lameez Kourie            Kyra van Kan               Henny Groenendyk and Alida Kromhout  Erendine Olivier

        weather  conditions  that  included  strong   was held from 25 to 28 May at the East   GOLF ETIQUETTE
        winds and a wet course. Well done!   London and West Bank golf courses in
                                             East London.                      Pitch  marks  are  a  big  problem  and  require
        Kyra van Kan took home the individual gross                            proper care and attention.
        title at the 72 Hole Teams Championship.  The  first  GNGU  C  Division  Open
                                             was  held  on  Sunday  2  June  2024  at   What is a pitch mark?
        Henny Groenendyk and Alida Kromhout had   Pretoria  Golf  Club.  Erendine  Olivier   A  pitch  mark  is  a  small  indentation  or
        the privilege of representing the Gauteng   claimed  third  place  with  a  fantastic   depression  on  the  putting  green  caused  by
        North Senior Women’s Golf Society as part   38  points  achieved  despite  the   the impact of a golf ball landing from height.
        of  a  22-strong  team  at  the  29  Annual   challenging  cold  and  wet  conditions.
        Senior  Women’s  National  Tournament.  It   Congratulations Erendine!  Why do we need to repair it?
                                                                               We do so for three reasons:
                                                                               1.  It  shows  respect  for  the  golf  course,
                                                                                  groundskeeping staff and other members.
                                                                               2.  Unrepaired pitch marks damage the grass,
                                                                                  leading to unhealthy turf that takes more
                                                                                  time to heal if not repaired promptly.
                                                                               3.  The conditions of the greens determines
                                                                                  the quality of a golf course.

                                                                               Therefore,  let’s  hold  our  Silver  Lakes  name
                                                                               high by doing our part and keeping our greens
                                                                               in fantastic condition.

                                                                               How does one repair it?
                                                                               Groundskeeping staff will use a pitch repairer
                                                                               to  push  the  grass  at  the  edge  of  the  pitch
                                                                               mark towards the centre, as illustrated in the
        Bernard Koster                     Lumar Fourie                        image below.

        The 29  Annual Senior Women’s National Tournament

                                                                                           INTRAMUROS JULY 2024 | 11
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