Page 15 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 15


                        OPERATIONS IN OUR ESTATE

        Our  Operations  team  have  been  hard  at   the Hillside Playpark. The original parking
        work uplifting the following areas:  area had eroded over the years.

        Clubhouse Playpark upgrade           It  was  therefore  decided  to  install  grass
        Over the past few months, the Operations   bricks  to  improve  the  parking  area.  That
        department has undertaken a joint upgrade   way,  the  team  could  control  the  erosion
        project  with  The  Garden  Group,  focusing   that  had  been  taking  place,  while  the
        on the Clubhouse Playpark area.      bricks could improve the look and feel of
                                             the playpark and make the playpark more
        Special  attention  was  given  to  the  open   accessible to residents and visitors driving
        grassy  area.  Our  budding  football  players   vehicles with a lower ride height.
        were using it daily, resulting in patches of
        grass  being  unable  to  recover  from  the   The  recent  upgrade  has  resulted  in  the   Seasonal reed management project
        high  foot  traffic.  A  decision  was  made  to   playpark  becoming  more  attractive  to
        temporarily  close  off  this  section  so  that   residents/visitors.    The  two  different  methods  and  their
        new grass could be planted.                                               application areas are currently determined
                                             We  are  looking  forward  to  the  fast-  by the location of reeds and the severity of
        The less-utilised Volleyball Court was also   approaching spring season, so we’ll see the   the infestation/growth.
        renovated. The court layout has now been   full visual effect of the growing grass and
        changed and the size reduced.        vegetation in between the concrete blocks.   However,  special  mention  must  be  made
                                             It’s bound to be aesthetically pleasing.  of  the  fact  that  the  project  is  a  reed
        These  changes  have  enabled  the  regular                               management  programme  and  not  a  reed
        movement  of  football  net  locations,   Seasonal reed management        eradication programme. This means certain
        resulting in reduced foot traffic in the areas   programme                areas of reed growth within the Silver Lakes
        in front of the goalposts and, in turn, the   At the start of the autumn/winter season,   Golf and Wildlife Estate will remain in place
        recovery  of  the  grass  in  these  high-traffic   the Operations team initiated our seasonal   for  our  abundant  birdlife  to  nest  in  upon
        areas.                               reed  management  programme,  during   their return after the winter months.
                                             which  excessive  reed  growth  is  managed
        The area has now been fully rehabilitated,   and reduced by various methods. The two   Thank you for your cooperation and a big
        and  the  entire  area  is  now  open  for  use   methods currently in use are as follows:  thank  you  to  the  Operations  team  for  all
        again.                               •  removing  the  reeds  by  uplifting  the   their hard work and efforts at keeping our
                                              entire plant along with its root system;   estate in such a pristine state.
        Parking upgrade at Hillside Playpark  and
        The  Operations  team  recently  completed   •  cutting  and  spraying  the  reeds  with  an   Walters Noordman
        the upgrading of the parking area in front of   approved herbicide.       Operations Manager

        Grass bricks installed at Hillside Playpark                              Clubhouse Playpark upgrade

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