Page 17 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 17



            he   Silver  Lakes  Homeowners
            Association  (SLHOA)  launched  the
        TGarden Refuse Programme on 3 May

        This  is  a  programme  offered  to  you,  our
        residents. It stems from the advice given to
        us by the current waste service provider that
        the domestic dump sites are becoming very
        strict  about  the  dumping  of  garden  waste
        in domestic waste landfill sites, and that in
        future any truck carrying garden waste from
        a non-registered site will be turned away.

        The  garden  refuse  is  not  deposited  at  a
        landfill site, it is deposited at the Mooiplaats
        landfill site.
                                            Please take note of the following:
        The  service  provider  uses  open  trucks   A monthly fee of R100,00 per garden refuse
        for  collection  to  prevent  damage  to   bin will be added to your levy account.
        compactors.  This  is  necessary  due  to  the
        presence  of  stones,  rubble,  recycling  and   Garden refuse will be removed by a private   The following will be collected:
        stumps  being  mixed  with  garden  waste   company (Bi-Waste) on a Friday only.   •  grass and hedge clippings
        as they can damage the hydraulics on the                                  •  leaves
        compactor trucks.                   Garden  refuse  bins  must  be  placed  on  the   •  plants
                                            pavements before 7am on the collection day.  •  small, thin branches
        To  date,  we  have  670  residents  who  have                            •  weeds
        joined this programme, and we are excited   If  you  have  converted  your  additional  240l   •  twigs and sticks
        to  say  that  more  and  more  residents  are   black domestic refuse bin/s into a 240l black   •  fallen fruit
        joining on a weekly basis.          garden  refuse  bin/s,  the  240l  black  garden   •  flowers and house plants
                                            refuse  bin/s  can  only  be  used  for  garden
        If  you  have  not  yet  registered  for  the   refuse  removal  and  no  longer  for  domestic   The following will not be collected:
        programme and you would like to participate   waste removal.              •  Hessian sacks
        in it, the SLHOA offers the following options                             •  bricks, rubble or soil
        to you:                             All  garden  waste  must  be  placed  in  plastic   •  plastic plant pots and containers
        1. Purchase a 240-litre black refuse bin with   bags  or  recyclable  plastic  bags  (which  can   •  large branches or logs
          a garden refuse removal sticker from the   be  purchased  from  Builders  Warehouse,   •  Japanese Knotweed
          SLHOA at a once-off cost of R666,00.  Chamberlain  or  Makro,  at  your  own  cost   •  wire
          Please  note  that  there  is  a  two-week   of between R13,00 to R15,00 per bag). The   •  string
          lead time from the date of order as the   recyclable  bags  will  be  emptied  and  placed   •  metal
          240l  black  refuse  bins  are  not  a  stock   back into your garden refuse bin/s.  •  liquids  (for  example:  paint,  pesticides,
          item. (Alternatively, you may purchase a                                 weed killer)
          240l black refuse bin from Chamberlain,   All garden refuse must be able to fit into your   •  food waste
          Builders or Makro and then only apply for   240l  garden  refuse  bin  with  the  lid  closed.
          an additional sticker).           Any garden refuse bags placed on top of your   Please  note:  The  removal  of  bulk  garden
                                            garden  refuse  bin,  or  next  to  your  garden   refuse  and  rubble  is  the  responsibility  of
        2. Convert  an  additional  240l  black  refuse   refuse bin, will not be removed.  the tenant or owner of the property. Bulk
          bin  that  you  already  have  on  your                                 garden  waste  or  building  rubble  removal
          property to a 240l black garden refuse bin   It  is  requested  that  garden  waste  not  be   can be arranged directly through Bi-Waste
          by  purchasing  a  garden  refuse  removal   compacted  in  the  garden  refuse  bins  as   at
          sticker from the SLHOA at a once-off cost   this could damage the bin/s and makes the
          of R31,00.                        emptying  of  the  bin/s  more  difficult.  The   The  SLHOA  would  like  to  thank  Godfrey
          The  sticker  will  be  placed  on  your   suggested  weight  limit  per  bin  is  typically   and Abram from the Operations team and
          additional  240l  black  refuse  bin  by  the   30kg,  above  which  makes  emptying  of  the   Sanmarize, Dorothy and Natasha from the
          SLHOA.                            bin/s more difficult.                 Finance team of the SLHOA. Without your
                                                                                  assistance,  the  garden  refuse  programme
        Application  forms  are  available  from  the   Additional  garden  refuse  bins  are  available   would not be the success it is today.
        Silver  Lakes  Management  Centre,  Silver   from  the  Silver  Lakes  Management  Centre,
        Lakes app and Silver Lakes website.  Silver Lakes app and Silver Lakes website.  The Operations Team – SLHOA

                                                                                           INTRAMUROS JULY 2024 | 15
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