Page 22 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 22


                            IN APPRECIATION OF OUR

                              ENVIRONMENTAL TEAM

              n a cold winter’s day, I ask myself:   I am now retired and am not on the estate   warmly and took him to Onderstepoort. He
              What is the most constant part of   all the time as I do some travelling. So these   was treated and came back to the estate
       OSilver Lakes besides our properties   days,  I  can  only  greet  the  team  and  see   a month later. So, if you see a Cape Otter
        and the amazing golf course and Clubhouse   what they do instead of being fully involved   hanging around the 10th or 17th, say hello
        facilities? Residents come and go, but not   like I was before. Still, it is awesome coming   to Rory – he is so named by the young golf
        the  Environmental  Team  –  some  of  them   back  home  and  seeing  that  someone  is   course staff who helped save him.
        have been around “forever”!          looking after the estate.
                                                                                  There are many such tales to be told, but
        In the nearly 28 years that I have lived at   An  incident  I  remember  well  is  the  time   maybe a few photos of the men doing their
        Silver Lakes, I have been an environmental   we  had  a  blesbok  scared  and  hurt  after   jobs  will  tell  the  story  better.  I  still  have
        director of the estate, on an on-off basis,   being  chased  and  attacked  by  a  dog.  We   these photos in my archives. I’m sure you
        for  about  10  years.  This  is  what  I  meant   approached it quietly, chatting softly to the   can  recognise  the  men  still  on  the  team.
        about  my  use  of  “forever”  above.  Some   scared animal. We placed a hood carefully   Godfrey is in some of these older photos –
        members of the Environmental Team have   over its head to transport it to the vet.  you’ll know him as one of our shuttle drivers.
        been on the estate for just as long as I have,                            Godfrey now has his name on a shuttle and
        and  I  have  worked  closely  with  them  for   The images below show some work being   drives  our  gardeners  and  domestic  staff
        many years.                          done  in  our  amazing  game  reserve,  my   between the gates and our homes.
                                             favourite place. There are benches next to
        Some  of  the  many  projects  I’ve  seen   the dams and along the hiking route; some   The team do everything from painting our
        this  team  work  on  include  the  following:   plaques  to  tell  you  more  about  the  veld;   Clubhouse and entrances to repairing our
        planting gardens around the new buildings,   and little hoof marks to show you the way   HOA offices and bridges to doing electrical
        thereby enhancing the look and feel of the   on a child-friendly hike. The centre photo   work, and more. They do all the setting-up
        old  Clubhouse;  planting  pots  together  on   shows  the  team  loading  a  sable  –  this   for our fun days; they start this while we
        the  patio  after  the  pond  was  fixed,  after   refers to the time when three sable males   are still in bed. They, together with Daleen
        several  years  of  it  being  empty;  building   were on loan to the estate and had to be   at the club who organises all our events for
        up  and  maintaining  the  children’s  play   returned to bigger pastures.  us, get up early to have everything ready
        areas; and setting out the hiking trail in the                            when we arrive – and afterwards they clean
        game reserve, marking it and maintaining                                  up to make sure that the next day at Silver
        it  to  ensure  that  it  is  easy  to  hike.  These                      Lakes, all is back to normal!
        projects,  and  so  many  more,  have  been
        undertaken by this special team.

        Here are some of the people making up the
        Environmental  Team,  along  with  the  date
        they started working at Silver Lakes.

                                             We made a bit of a hoo-ha about Rory, our
                                             resident Cape Otter, when he got his foot
        Vincent (1999); Bernardo (1999);     stuck under a rock in one of the irrigation
        Geoffrey (2003); Sinus (2010); Frank (2011);
        Piet (2011); Prince (2013); Johannes (2013);   dams.  Luckily,  the  level  of  the  dam  was
        Koot (2013); Porporwane (2016);      near  to  empty  and  we  could  rescue  him.
        Bellycan (2017); Rusta (2018); Tshako (2023);   The little otter was so cold that we could
        Nicko (2023); and Jimmy (2023).      catch  him  quite  easily.  We  wrapped  him

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