Page 27 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 27


                                   BUMPS ON PLANTS

                                                      By Elize Malan

            rees often have interesting swellings                                 ground  symptoms  will  be  the  wilting,
            on their trunks or branches. Shrubs,                                  yellowing and premature death of plants.
        Tleaves  and  even  roots  can  develop
        lumps and bumps, too.                                                     Crop  rotation  in  vegetable  gardens  will
                                                                                  prevent the problem.
        Tree burls
        Burls  on  tree  trunks  are  benign  growths                             Always buy healthy plants from a reputable
        that  do  not  harm  the  tree.  The  cause  is                           nursery. Plant French marigolds, Zinnia and
        often  difficult  to  determine.  When  a  burl                           Salvia to suppress root-knot nematodes in
        forms in response to an injury to the tree,                               the garden.
        the hard woody nature of the burl will wrap
        around  the  wound  and  protect  the  tree                               The good galls
        from further damage.                                                      These are the nitrogen-fixing nodules that
                                                                                  develop  on  the  roots  of  legumes.  Plants
        Removing  burls  can  create  large  wounds                               such  as  beans  and  sweetpeas,  and  trees
        that the tree will have to recover from, and                              such as  Erythrina abyssinica have this
        it is not advised.                                                        ability.
        The   large   woody   swellings   are                                     In  vegetable  gardens,  a  cover  crop  of
        hemispherical  in  shape.  They  often  bear                              legumes  will  boost  the  nitrogen  level  of
        many  buds  and,  sometimes,  sprouts.  The                               the soil. Known as a “green manure”, it is
        burls of black walnut, coast redwood, sugar                               tilled into the soil to provide slow-releasing
        maple and black cherry are highly prized by   Tree burls                  nutrients for future plants.
        woodworkers for their beautiful swirling or
        “bird’s eye” grain.                                                       Planting  healthy  plants  and  giving  the
                                             wounds  caused  by  planting,  cultivation,   optimum  care  afterwards  will  prevent
        Plant galls                          insects or nematodes.                gall  formations.  However,  remember  that
        Galls  and  tumours  can  differ  in  size  and                           nature rules and not all lumps and bumps
        shape  and  occur  on  both  woody  and   A gall is formed at the crown of the plant   can be prevented or cured.
        herbaceous  plants.  They  can  be  caused   or where the stems and the roots meet (as
        by genetic mutation, injury, insects, fungi,   in roses). Crown gall will prevent water and
        bacteria or a combination of more than one   nutrient flow and the plant will eventually
        problem.                             die. It is highly contagious and will spread
                                             through the soil.
        The  swelling  occurs  as  cells  divide  more
        rapidly  than  normal  (hyperplasia)  and/  Fruit trees, grapevines, almond and walnut
        or  due  to  excessive  cell  enlargement   trees are prone to this bacterial infection.
        (hypertrophy).                       Marguerite  daisies  and  some  Kalanchoe
                                             species  show  early  signs  of  deterioration
        By boosting the nutritional value of the soil,   when infected.
        some of the causes can be eliminated.                                     Erythrina abyssinica
                                             Remove the infected plant and change the
        The galls on lemon tree leaves are caused   soil before replanting.       References:
        by psyllids or jumping lice, and only affect                    
        the appearance of the leaves.        Root galls                           galls-burls-explained-sort-of/
                                             These are caused by root-knot nematodes
        The  most  common  bacterial  gall  disease   that have a wide host range and widespread
        is  crown  gall.  This  soil-borne  bacterium   distribution.  Below-the-ground  symptoms
        enters the roots of the host plant through   will  be  swollen  knotted  roots;  above-the-
                                                                                           Tel: 012 804 1807
                                                                                           Fax: 012 804 0278

        Plant galls                          Root galls

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