Page 23 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 23


        We all know how hard it is to maintain the
        original property we bought. Imagine how
        much harder it is to maintain Silver Lakes,
        a large estate with lots of small areas: if it
        falls  into  disrepair,  it  will  quickly  become
        a neglected, untidy estate. It is these little
        jobs,  as  well  as  large  development  jobs,
        that the team get work on. That’s why we
        have electricians, painters and all kinds of
        specialised  men  on  our  team.  Of  course,                             You will also see our team managing the
        the  most  specialised  professionals  on  the                            current  road  maintenance  works  and
        team working at Silver Lakes are Vincent,                                 working on our gardens together with The
        Bernardo  and  Geoffrey.  If  there  is  a                                Garden Group.
        problem, it is quite possible that they have
        solved something similar during their 25 or                               We  owe  a  huge  debt  of  gratitude  to  the
        so years of experience!                                                   Environmental Team. We thank them all for
                                                                                  helping to maintain our beautiful estate.

                                                                                  One  of  the  memorable  events  in  the  ‘life
                                                                                  of  the  team’  was  when  we  manged  to
                                             The entire team work tirelessly, and some   secure  some  money  through  sponsors  to
                                             make  themselves  available  even  over   take  them  to  the  coast.  For  most  of  the
                                             weekends if there is a crisis. The support   team members, it was the first time they’d
                                             staff for the golf course, as well as some of   seen the sea. As you can see in the photos
                                             our environmental team members, live in   below, the experience was not only fun and
                                             the  staff  quarters  and  are  available  24/7.   memorable, it brought the team even closer.
                                             We have had some close calls with game
                                             getting  hurt  and  sewage  spillages  –  for
                                             these unfortunate events, we always have
                                             someone  available.  If  you  have  or  see  a
                                             problem, report it to Security and they will
                                             get  whoever  is  responsible  to  come  and
                                             sort out the issue.

                                             These  photos  show  the  Silver  Lakes  staff
                                             quarters  from  planning  to  execution,  and
                                             their subsequent upgrade. As I mentioned,
                                             some  of  our  staff  are  available  24/7  and
                                             occasionally go back to visit their families.

                                                                                  If we all work together like our
                                                                                  Environmental Team does, we can achieve

                                                                                  As you continue to enjoy our thriving and
                                                                                  beautiful  estate,  think  of  the  team  that
                                                                                  make it all happen.

                                                                                  Corlia Mathews

                                                                                           INTRAMUROS JULY 2024 | 21
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