Page 30 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 30


                                                         TE THE T

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                          BULL         YING AND                  EX     CL     USION
                          BULLYING AND EXCLUSION
                                                      By Dr Ilse Ruane
             ullying  and  exclusion  go  hand  in   following  classic  example:  Excluders  will   Children who have felt the pain of being
             hand.  Often,  they  are  one  and  the   invite a child over and, as the parent, you   left out have learned to leave others out.
       Bsame. This is because the main tactic   are a bit confused because yesterday their   Often, it is also the children who are highly
        bullies use, be they girls or boys, is exclusion.   child told them “we are not friends” or “I   insecure  in  themselves  who  exclude  –
        The psychological process behind exclusion   do not want to play with so and so” or “so   this,  in  an  ironic  play  for  inclusion  from
        is  fascinating:  by  excluding  someone,  the   and so will not let me play with them”.   others.
        child doing the excluding guarantees their
        position of dominance within the group.   But as you navigate parenthood, you think   The  primary  place  where  excluders
                                             “oh  good,  they  are  friends  again”,  so  you   learn this behaviour is, sadly, from their
        The  group  members  also  guarantee  their   allow your child to attend a party or play   parents. Permit me to explain the process
        position  in  the  group  by  supporting  the   date – only to have them pick on your child,   behind this statement. For me, there are
        exclusion,  thereby  ensuring  that  they   talk poorly about them, belittle them and   three  types  of  parents  responsible  for
        themselves  are  not  excluded.  Thus,   ultimately exclude them again.   perpetuating such practices:
        exclusion creates inclusion. In practice, this
        means that if I exclude another child, then I   This type of child has learned exclusionary   1.  Parents  who  role  model  socially
        can be sure that I will not be excluded. It is   behaviour. As hopeful as a parent can try   undesirable behaviour
        a basic survival strategy.           to be, the sad reality is that this child will      It  is  interesting  to  watch  how  the
                                             take on the identity of a bully and excluder   mothers and fathers of children who
        As  parents,  we  can  raise  our  children  to   because  we  become  how  we  think  and   exclude  (and  bully)  behave.  In  the
        include  others  and  not  participate  in  the   behave.                   parking lot and on sports fields, they
        bigger  bullying  or  exclusionary  process.                                are  the  parents  who  always  have
        Therefore,  bullying  and  exclusion  are   Where do children learn to be   something to say about other parents,
        learned  behaviours.  Sadly,  every  child  –   excluders?                  other parents’ parenting styles, other
        yours and mine included – have been on the   It’s important to be mindful about where   children  and  any  authority  figures
        giving and receiving end of this continuum.   the  bully  or  excluder  is  coming  from.   such as teachers or sports coaches.
                                             Children  who  bully  or  exclude  have  been        I  am  not  referring  to  the  parent
        Bullies  and  excluders  are  the  types  of   hurt  and  therefore  hurt  others.  The  old   who  has  the  occasional  complaint  –
        children that present their parents with the   adage, “hurt people hurt people”, applies.   this  is  normal.  I  am  referring  to  the

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