Page 33 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 33


           half of the comment. We should aim to
           not only teach our children to say, “stop
           excluding Sarah”, we also need to clarify
           why – “because it is unkind.”
             By linking the unacceptable behaviour
           to a value, not only does the value get
           reinforced,  but  space  is  also  created
           to  keep  your  child  away  from  the
           people  involved.  This  externalises  all
           the participants and they’re able to re-
           evaluate their own behaviour.
        •  Help your child to see the bigger picture
           more  clearly.  There  is  nothing  wrong
           with them; the situation is a reflection
           on  the  other  children  (the  bully/
           excluder), it is not a reflection on your
           child.  If  your  child  is  being  victimised,
           a sure way the behaviour will continue
           is  if  they  give  it  attention.  Starve  it
           of  attention  and  reaction,  and  the   I am not denying this reality exists, but   Only  the  strongest  people  can  be  kind.  Let’s
           behaviour  will  change  and  eventually   there are situations where such thoughts   actively instil characteristics and values in our
           cease  or  the  bully  or  excluder  will   and behaviours are not acceptable. It is   children such as kindness and humility, because
           move on. However, this doesn’t always   easy to subscribe to the brutal, harsh and   this is how we heal the “mean girls” and “brutal
           happen. A bully may persist, so monitor   unkind ways of being. Kindness is often   boys” culture. We pause, we include, we care
           the situation carefully and, if need be,   viewed as a weakness. Not so. I propose   for,  we  empower,  and  we  positively  regard
           take  immediate  action  to  stop  this   that kindness requires the ultimate level   our  boys  and  girls.  We  do  not  accept  the
           despicable behaviour.             of  strength,  resilience,  intentionality,   unacceptable. We model this in how we treat
        •  Teach  your  child  to  name  what  is   confidence and security in a person. To   others. We become the pockets of resistance
           happening  and  to  speak  up  for  the   be kind is not to be naive.   to any and all unkind behaviour.
           injustices  they  observe.  It’s  better  not
           to remain silent and be an accomplice.
           Foster  the  idea  of  being  an  upstander
           and  not  a  bystander.  I  love  asking
           children: “What behaviour would make
           you most proud in this situation?” It gives
           them the position of being proactive and
           intentional in their behaviour.
        •  Advocate  for  and  alongside  your
           child  in  situations  that  require  adult   o Marital, Couples & Family Therapy
           intervention. Perhaps the most difficult   o Counselling Children, Adolescents & Adults
           thing for a parent to do is to not act out
           of  fear  or  anger,  but  to  stay  calm  and   o “Teen” Challenges
           lead  by  example.  Teach  your  child  to   o Behavioural & Adjustment Challenges
           wait, discern and watch.            o Stress-Related Challenges
        •  Most  importantly,  teach  and  practise
                                               o Adjustment to Depression & Anxiety
           kindness  in  your  home  and  in  every
           interaction  with  others,  so  that  your   o Subject & Career Psychometric Testing
           children  can  view  first-hand  what
           kindness  is,  as  well  as  the  effects  and        For an appointment please call
           rewards that kindness brings.
                                                                        083 376 1995
        Our  children  are  being  raised  in  a  world     Fees are charged according to Scale of Benefits
        where they are flooded with inputs regarding   Practice Address: 27 Fish Eagle Street, Silver lakes, Pretoria
        the “eat or be eaten” and “hurt them before         Pr. Nr. 0860000114022  |  Reg. No.: PS 0080543
        they hurt you” nature of the world.

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