Page 32 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 32


           is being guilty by association. In other
           words, by doing nothing when a friend
           is being excluded is as bad as your child
           excluding the friend himself/herself.
             Another  tricky  part  of  parenting
           comes in when you observe how your
           child is interacting with others based on
           their group membership.
             If  the  membership  is  shown  to  be
           problematic,  socially  undesirable  or
           unacceptable,  there  comes  a  time
           when  a  parent  needs  to  step  in  and
           create distance between your child and
           poor  influencers.  Children,  especially
           teenagers,  are  social  chameleons  –
           they  will  become  who  they  hang  out

        The  reality  is  that  at  different  stages  in
        our  parenting  journey,  we  will  traverse   How to empower your child  •  Practise  the  pause  and  listen  to  what
        between these and other types of parenting   •  Listen to them when they bring you a   is  said  and  unsaid.  That  way,  you’re
        strategies as we find our feet.        story, even though you’ve heard about   creating a safe space for your child to
                                               this situation repeatedly. Trust me, the   navigate  the  inner  landscape  of  their
        Tackling the problem                   story will be repeated many times over   own  feelings  so  that  the  right  actions
        We need to teach our children to stand up   the course of primary and high school,   can be taken. This empowers your child
        for  one  another.  This  requires  us  to  help   and even in later life.   to handle the situation themselves and
        them  develop  a  moral  compass,  so  that        The  patterns  of  bullying  and   to learn to trust themselves.
        they can take a stand against exclusionary   exclusion are ever present in our child’s   •  Linked  to  the  above  is  the  need  to
        practices  which  set  out  to  hurt  other   environment as well as in our own   develop the character of your child so
        children.  In  my  therapy  consultations,   adult  environment.  Thus,  inclusion   that they seek out like-minded people.
        children say they are very aware of what is   and morality are vital life skills to teach   If  children  are  raised  with  values  of
        going on but are too scared to do anything   as  early  as  possible  and  to  continue   authenticity,  kindness,  acceptance,
        because of the fallout for themselves.   to  reinforce  so  that  the  effects  of   tolerance  and  so  on,  then  they  will
                                               exclusionary  practices  are  minimised   actively seek out such people in their
        However, it starts with one child taking a   for our children going forward in their   world. This will indirectly result in the
        stand and soon the entire group of children   lives.                        bully/excluder not being in your child’s
        will stand up and refuse to mistreat a child.   •  I  differ  in  opinion  with  most  parents   group as that person will not “fit” the
        At this point, the bully or excluder has no   who tell their children to “be tough”. I   profile  of  people  your  child  has  been
        power  and  will  ultimately  change  their   don’t want my children to harden up.   raised to be around.
        behaviour.                             Children are innocent and do not need   •  Try not to sweep in and save your child.
                                               any further encouragement to toughen   Empower  them  instead.  Your  child
        The bully’s power is reinforced with every   up than what the world around them   knows that you are there and that you
        act of complacency by the group. Children   presents.                       will  step  in  front  of  them  to  protect
        are  always  telling  me:  “My  friends  did        As  parents,  our  role  is  to  protect   them if needed. Give them the gift to sit
        nothing to help me” or “We were not part   our  kids  from  the  uncompromising   alongside  them  and  co-create  options
        of it because we said nothing – she said all   nature and hardness of the world, not   that they can implement themselves. A
        the nasty stuff, not us.”              to expose them further to it. I believe   great question to ask is: “How can I best
                                               we need to teach them to retain their   support you currently?”
        By   “doing   nothing”,   children   are   kindness  and  gentle  nature.  But  we   •  Teach your children to say: “That’s not
        perpetuating  the  cycle  of  exclusion  even   also need to help them set down the   cool,  I  don’t  like  how  you  treat  me/
        further.  They  are  bystanders.  It  begs  the   appropriate  boundaries  with  people   her”;  “Stop  treating  me  like  that”;
        question: “Who is more directly influential   when  any  unwanted  practices  or   “Stop  excluding  Sarah  or  James,
        in hurting another child: the bully or their   patterns  emerge,  and  to  help  them   it’s  unkind”;  and  perhaps  the  most
        accomplices, who know very well what is   identify  when  it’s  time  to  walk  away   difficult one: “I am walking away now.”
        going on?”                             completely.                          Important  to  note  here  is  the  second

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