Page 10 - Intra Muros April 2024
P. 10


                         FIRE SAFETY IN THE ESTATE

                 ith the dry season fast
                 approaching,  our  firefighting
       Wcapabilities       must   be   re-

        New  firefighting  equipment  was  recently
        acquired  and  the  need  to  confirm  our
        response  teams’  readiness  was  tested.
        Our  security  service  provider  response
        officers,  managers,  operational  teams,
        and  security  management  participated
        in  the  members’  equipment  testing  and
        readiness evaluation. The exercise was very
        successful,  and  the  equipment  performed
        as expected.                         Knowing the location of one or two of   These measures should not prevent anyone
                                             your  nearest  fire  hydrants  is  advisable.   from  directly  contacting  the  fire  brigade  if
        Silver Lakes HOA has firefighting equipment   This  can  save  valuable  seconds  in  an   necessary. Our initiative is merely supportive
        in two of our security response vehicles. This   emergency.             and  will  likely  prevent  significant  incidents
        capability  allows  intervention  in  the  early                        when executed early.
        stages of fires on the estate. In support of   For  ease  of  reference,  a  map  of  the
        that, we also have an equipped firefighting   locations are seen below.  Any  fires  should  be  reported  to  the  Silver
        trailer that can be deployed at a moment’s                              Lakes Security Control Room without
        notice.  These  measures  are  in  place  as  a   Please ensure no plants or decorations   hesitation 24/7. Tel: 012 809 0424/5.
        first and second line of intervention before   obstruct  the  view  and  access  to  fire
        the fire brigade arrives, after which control   hydrants,  which  can  lead  to  legal   Danie Basson
        over an incident will be handed to them.  repercussions.                Security Manager

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