Page 7 - Intra Muros April 2024
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        14.   Dams and bridges – The  sight   16.  Hillside play park and outdoor gym – We   Rand  Water  has  subsequently  started
           establishment  and  construction  of   have  completed  another  play  park  and   the  process  of  directly  contracting  the
           the  ninth  pedestrian  bridge  is  finally   outdoor gym in the estate, with this more   sub-contractor.  However,  this  process  is
           underway.  This  will  be  a  four-month   modern and different play area, which is   still under the approval of the Executive
           project  that  will  significantly  assist  with   already proving popular with the kids. It   Committee.
           the aesthetics and speed of play on the   has two trampolines, a net play area, a
           golf course.                         sandpit, and a funky seating area.      Only  once  the  final  approval  has  been
                                                                                     received  will  the  sub-contractor  be
                                                                                     permitted  to  commence  work  on-site
                                                                                     again. The expected completion date has
                                                                                     been adjusted to the end of 2024. Rand
                                                                                     Water has also sent a representative to
                                                                                     evaluate  the  construction  site.  He  has
                                                                                     also  committed  to  better  securing  the
                                                                                     area  and  lifting  the  current  screening/
                                                                                     fencing  height  to  prevent  animals  from
                                             17.  Marketing banners – With a continuous   accessing the area.
                                                effort  being  made  to  market  and
                                                modernise  our  estate,  we  have  added   21.  Game Reserve picnic area upgrade –
                                                two  more  opportunities  to  market  and   The picnic area has been upgraded with
                                                generate income on our golf course. We   successful ground/surface levelling and
                                                have  launched  banners  on  the  1st  and   visible new grass growth, making it more
                                                10th tee, which will help separate us from   user-friendly.
                                                our competitors.
                                                                                  22.  Potential  upgrade  of  the  Clubhouse
                                                                                     –  With  the  forever  rolling  over  of  the
           The  construction  of  the  16th  dam  and                                member’s  bar  and  the  bowling  green
           irrigation dam has been completed. The                                    project, we are looking into redeveloping
           16th dam requires minor improvements                                      the  entire  Clubhouse.  The  Clubhouse  is
           to  ensure  the  golf  cart  path  does  not                              the heart of any estate and must remain
           remain  flooded  for  extended  periods,                                  relevant to ensure that we remain one of
           but it is a significant improvement from   18.  Re-installation  of  our  flag  poles   the top estates in the country.
           what it was. The irrigation dam has been   Clubhouse – The flag poles, which were
           repaired as well. The 14th and 17th dams   removed some time ago, have now been      We  will  explore  increasing  parking,
           will be completed in the upcoming winter   re-installed  at  our  Clubhouse,  bringing   making the building more functional, and
           months.                              back some prestige to the Clubhouse.   adding  facilities  to  accommodate  teens
                                                                                     and non-golfers. Space for facilities such
                                                                                     as a bowling green is currently a concern,
                                                                                     and  alternative  options  are  being
                                                                                     explored to determine whether this is still

                                                                                     Moving  the  golf  area  to  its  separate
                                                                                     area,  golf  days  and  members’  days  will
                                                                                     not  interfere  with  other  functions.  This
                                                                                     project is still in the initial stages, and we
                                             OTHER                                   are  in  the  process  of  obtaining  building
                                             19.  Cell phone mast/tower – We’ve received   plans  that  are  drawn  up  to  determine
        15.  Tennis court refurbishment – The tennis   approval  for  the  first  three  cell  phone   proper costing.
           court  at  the  Clubhouse  was  recently   towers  (Vodacom).  Construction  for  the
           refurbished  to  ensure  we  maintain  our   first  and  second  towers  is  pending  the      We  have  a  committee  set  up,  and  we
           outstanding image.                   supplier’s financial allocation and project   will  share  drafts  for  comments  with
                                                planning,  which  should  significantly   the  members  next  year  once  they  are
                                                enhance cell phone reception within the   available.  The  biggest  problem  we  are
                                                estate. Tower 3 received an objection and   experiencing  with  a  bowling  green  is
                                                must go through the tribunal process.   space;  we  are  exploring  alternative
                                                                                     options and areas to establish if this is still
                                             20.  Rand Water pipeline project – The project   feasible.
                                                has been placed on hold by Rand Water
                                                due  to  payment  issues  between  their   Yours Faithfully
                                                main  contractor  and  sub-contractors.   Dean Pretorius

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