Page 3 - Intra Muros April 2024
P. 3


          ESTATE NEWS                                          LIFESTYLE
          Message from the CEO                          3      Restaurant competition                        31
          Security News – Fire Safety                   8      Franschhoek Literary Festival                 49
          Silver Lakes Golf Club Championships 2024    12
          Silver Lakes Annual Ladies’ Open             19      TODAY’S CHILD
          Upcoming estate events                       22      Helicopter, air-fryer, or lighthouse parents   32
          Easy steps to recycling in the estate        25
                                                               HOME FRONT
          GARDENING                                            Interior Décor Styles and Trends              38
          Garden of the Month                          26
          The moon and gardening                       29      TRAVEL
                                                               Your very own Thailand bucket list            45
                                                               CLASSIFIEDS                                   51

        SILVER LAKES          CONTRIBUTORS                     EIA PUBLISHING OFFICE Tel: 011 327 4062 -
        27 Muirfield Boulevard,   Silver Lakes HOA  Andrew Curlewis  PUBLISHER Nico Maritz -
        Silver Lakes,         Silver Lakes Directors  Nienke Moolman  GRAPHIC DESIGNER Adele Gouws -
        0081                                                   SALES MANAGER Martin Fourie - 072 835 8405 -
                                                               ADVERTISING SALES Gerdie Murphy - 082 556 9863 -
        PO Box 11106,         Dean Pretorius  Daleen du Plessis  EDITOR Nicole Hermanson -
        Silver Lakes 0054     Danie Basson    Elize Malan      PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Chris Grant -
        Tel: +27 12 809 0142  Yolande Ehlers  Ilsa Ruane       INTERIOR DÉCOR FEATURE Stienie Greyling -
                                       Note from the Editor

             s  we  move  into  April,  we  are   Silver Lakes Golf Club has been busy. It   For residents of the various faith communities
             starting  to  experience  wonderful   hosted the Club Champs in March, and   in  the  estate,  this  is  also  a  special  time  with
        Aautumn  weather.  Warm  with        we congratulate all the winners. Enjoy   Easter just brushing the end of March, Ramadan
        less  rainfall,  clear  skies,  and  pleasant   the  golf  report  and  accompanying   continuing  into  April  with  Eid  al-Fitr  to  mark
        temperatures,  which  most  of  us  will   photo  gallery  in  this  issue.  The  lady   the end of Ramadan, and Pesach celebrated by
        welcome after experiencing the excessive   golfers of Silver Lakes also participated   our Jewish community. We wish members of all
        heat waves across the country.       in their annual Ladies’ Open event, and   faith communities in Silver Lakes a special and
                                             a great time was had by all. The music-  meaningful time with their loved ones.
        In  the  message  from  the  CEO  this  issue,   rock show theme was intertwined with
        Dean Pretorius reflects on the projects that   18 holes of golf.      This is the time of year when there are quite a
        have been completed and those projects                                few public holidays, allowing us some welcome
        still  in  the  process  of  completion.  The   There’s  lots  more  to  enjoy  in  this   time out. I hope you’ll be able to take a break
        various teams have worked hard in raising   month’s  Intra Muros.  Plus,  as  always,   with your loved ones and rest.
        the standard of the estate and continue to   you can enter the competitions, check
        roll out improvements that will benefit all   out  upcoming  events  and  be  inspired   Until next time, take care.
        residents. Be sure to read what they have   by the Interior Décor Styles and Trends
        accomplished in and around the estate.   for 2024 featured in this issue.  Nicole Hermanson

        Intra Muros is a monthly magazine of the Silver Lakes Homeowners’ Association (NPC). It is intended for the residents of Silver Lakes. It is published on behalf of the SL HOA by Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd. Articles printed
        in the Intra Muros, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SL HOA or the Estate, the publisher, nor of the companies themselves. Neither the SL HOA, nor the publishers can be held responsible for the quality of
        the goods and services advertised in the Intra Muros. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
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