Page 5 - Intra Muros April 2024
P. 5


                           MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

        Dear Residents                       3.  Electrical box repairs – Repairs to various   it to prevent anything from happening to
                                                electricity  metre  box  doors  and  latches   this important structure in Silver Lakes.
        As we finalise our financial year and the AGM   have  been  conducted  throughout  the
        approaches, it is always great to reflect on all   estate  to  improve  the  safety  of  our   6.  Road infrastructure upgrade project – We
        we have accomplished. I would like to thank   residents and their children. We request   have started the road rejuvenation project
        my team for their splendid work in raising the   residents  who  still  take  readings  of  the   and  are  troubleshooting  in  Fish  Eagle
        standard of the estate. Below are some of the   electrical metres to ensure the closure   Drive  before  launching  in  busier  streets
        completed projects and some pictures of what   of the electricity metre boxes once done   like Gleneagles. The initial focus is on the
        is still in process.                    and report any damaged electrical boxes   rejuvenating  (crack  and  surface  sealing)
                                                to the SLHOA.                       14km of our 29km of roads. Negotiations
        Municipal infrastructure                                                    with  Tshwane  for  labour  assistance  are
        A  substantial  portion  of  this  year  was  spent   4.  Faulty streetlights and golf course   ongoing, aiming to reduce the previously
        on  trying  to  get  Tshwane  to  approve  SLHOA   light repairs – Our electrical teams are   approved  costs  from  the  2023  AGM.
        working  on  their  infrastructure,  as  it  has   diligently working on the backlog caused   Unfortunately,  Tshwane’s  assistance  has
        become clear that the municipality does not   by  streetlight  repairs  not  conducted  by   been  inconsistent,  and  our  teams  are
        have the funds to repair it themselves and the   the City of Tshwane. The repair process is   picking  up  the  slack  where  needed.  We
        estate is not a priority in terms of the funds   slow due to safety aspects, but progress   have gone out on tender in March for the
        they do have. Unfortunately, we have explored   is  being  made.  Special  arrangements   first few phases of the project.
        options for residents to reclaim a portion of the   were made for a bucket truck/reach truck
        rates and taxes to recoup these monies spent.   to  repair  faulty  lights  within  Gleneagles
        However, current legislation does not allow for   Drive.  Most  of  the  streetlights  in
        it. We have negotiated to use Tshwane’s labour   Gleneagles are now working, but this is a
        on  some  of  the  projects  to  reduce  our  cost   continuous maintenance exercise. When
        spent; however, this arrangement has proved   we started the project, we had over 250
        inconsistent  with  Tshwane’s  showing  up  to   streetlights needing repairs; to date, we
        complete the work. Our teams have picked up   have repaired just over 204 streetlights.
        the slack where Tshwane has failed.     This  is  ongoing,  but  the  effect  on  the
                                                estate at night has been exceptional.
        1.  Pothole repairs – Our operational teams
           continuously  attend  to  various  road
           repairs  throughout  Silver  Lakes  Estate,                           7.  Street signs – Our attention to detail must
           specifically potholes. Since October 2023,                               be on point to maintain a top-tier estate.
           we have repaired over 167 potholes.                                      We have refurbished 30 street signs that
                                                                                    were worse for wear and are busy with the
        2.  Road markings – The road marking of all                                 next 20.
           stop signs, traffic circles, and pedestrian
           crossings within the estate have now   5.  Main water valve line  –  (Silver  Lakes
           been completed.                      Drive). There is a structure on Silver Lakes
                                                Drive that houses one of Silver Lakes’
                                                main  water  valves,  which  supplies  a
                                                substantial portion of Silver Lakes. A few
                                                months ago, a drunk driver drove into the
                                                already damaged structure. We repaired
                                                the  damage  and  put  protection  around

                                           IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS

        HOA OFFICE                 EMERGENCY NUMBERS                  SECURITY
        Office hours: Monday to Friday   Security Control Room (24 hours)  Security Control Room (24 hours) 012 809 0424/5
        08:00 until 16:30          012 809 0424/5                     Bidvest Protea Coin Security from 18:00 to 06:00 weekdays,
        012 809 0142                                                  24 hours Sat, Sun and public holidays 072 615 5862     Boschkop Police      012 802 1087/4
                                   Netcare 911          082 911       GOLF
        Security access office:    Fire Brigade         107           Pro Shop   012 809 0430
        Hours as above             Power Failure        012 339 9111
        Including first Saturday of every   City of Tshwane Call Centre   012 358 9999  CLUBHOUSE
        month from 08:00 until 11:00                                  Clubhouse   012 809 0281
                                   Water leaks:  Café 41   012 809 1571
                                   Street lights:  Takeaways   012 809 0431 / 012 809 1484
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