Page 6 - Intra Muros April 2024
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        8.  Dams and rivers – The ongoing sewage   be approaching all businesses and estates      Furthermore,  the  project  started  in
           spills  in  our  dams  over  the  last  few   in  the  area  that  use  the  pump  station   March for Phase 3/game reserve dam, in
           years  have  spoiled  our  beautiful  dams   for  their  contribution  towards  the  cost.   which we will be trialling the mechanical
           within  the  estate  and  created  a  perfect   Additionally,  environmentally  friendly   removal project and its machinery. So far,
           environment for the growth of hornwort   bacteria  treatment  continues  in  dams   we have removed twenty tons of material
           (the aquatic weed we see in our dams).   and rivers to address the ongoing sewage   from the upper end of the game reserve
           Silver Lakes has two pump stations which   inflow.                        dam.
           border  our  estate,  one  in  Six  Fountains
           (16th hole) and one in Silver Stream (14th   10.  Hornwort removal – During January   Before upper-end game reserve
           hole).  We  launched  legal  action  a  few   and  February  2024,  the  removal  of  the
           years ago to force Tshwane to maintain   aquatic weed hornwort that had overrun
           the pumps and, as per an AGM held, to   numerous dams within the Silver Lakes
           stop  the  municipality  from  installing  a   Golf & Wildlife Estate continued, resulting
           gravity feed line.                   in the removal of a further 12 tons of
                                                the  aquatic  weed  from  the  Clubhouse,
           Although this took some time, we saw a   Academy,  and  Dam  at  the  5th  hole.  In   Current upper-end game reserve
           significant success earlier this year when   total,  we  have  removed  just  over  forty
           the municipality installed new pumps at   tons  of  hornwort.  Improvements  in  the
           the  Six  Fountains  pump  station,  which   aesthetics  of  the  dams  have  drastically
           stopped  sewage  spills  from  this  pump   improved.

           The municipality did a major service on                                11.  Security  – Safety and security remain
           the  pumps  at  Silver  Stream;  however,                                 top priorities in our estate, so we must
           actions were a little too late as the pumps                               remain proactive with maintenance and
           were  already  damaged.  To  stop  the                                    the latest technology. We have installed
           sewage spills occurring in Silver Stream,                                 new  software  that  will  automate  many
           we  will  have  to  install  new  pumps  and                              processes, and this will also coincide with
           increase  the  current  sewage  line.  Once                               additional  traffic  control  measures  we
           again,  to  minimise  cost,  Tshwane  will   Before Clubhouse             wish to install soon.
           provide labour, and once it is finalised, we
           will  negotiate  with  the  other  estates  to                         12.  License  plate  recognition  cameras
           recoup the cost.                                                          –  License  plate  recognition  cameras
                                                                                     installed at the gate are connected to
           By  stopping  the  sewage  inflows  and                                   the national database, allowing us to flag
           keeping our dams pristine, we will reduce                                 any vehicles involved in criminal activity.
           the  nutrients  for  the  hornwort,  thus                                 This  enhances  our  proactive  security
           reducing the growth rate. As a long-term                                  measures.
           initiative, we are exploring the benefits of
           removing the pump stations and allowing
           Tshwane to install gravity feed lines   Current Clubhouse
           through the estate. We will keep you up
           to date in this regard and once we have      We  have  also  picked  up  a  new  water
           more  information,  we  will  share  it  with   weed in our dams, water lettuce, which
           the members.                         has  only  appeared  in  the  game  reserve
                                                dam so far. Our teams have focused on   13.  Upgrade of Clubhouse camera –
        9.  Ongoing sewage spills  –  We  have   the area and have already removed most   Upgrading  and  installing  new  cameras
           started  upgrading  the  Silver  Stream   of the problems (just over eight tons). We   at  the  Clubhouse,  including  facial
           pump  station,  with  the  project  being   will monitor this closely to ensure we stop   recognition and license plate recognition
           finalised at the end of March to reduce/  the problem before it gets out of hand.   cameras,  will  help  minimise  vandalism
           stop sewage inflow into the streams and                                   and enhance security.
           dams  within  Silver  Lakes.  The  project  is
           progressing  well,  with  the  new  pumps
           that arrived at the end of March. We will

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