Page 21 - Waterfall_Issue 7_2022
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delivers beneficial opportunities for
                                                                                collaboration, shared resources, and
                                                                                convenient accessibility, to partners
                                                                                and stakeholders with common
                                                                                goals. It is a location that promotes
                                                                                quality of work‐life, infrastructure
                                                                                efficiencies, as well as commercial
                                                              PHOTO BY NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE
                                                                                optimisation and operational success.

        mindfully put in place to limit     maximise both their professional and   A COMMUNITY OF
        water and power supply downtime.    personal time. Waterfall’s collaboration   PHARMACEUTICAL
        The innovative city employs         and logistics hubs are advantageously   EXCELLENCE
        energy and water stewardship        close to residential properties and   Many pharmaceutical companies,
        technologies, such as self‐sufficient   other amenities, such as schools,   including Boehringer Ingelheim,
        water supply systems, and 24-hour   excellent shopping facilities, hospitals   Cipla, Dis-Chem, Novartis,
        generator power. Such initiatives   and restaurants. This unique live‐  Organon, and Zimmer Biomet,
        reflect Waterfall’s commitment to   work‐play value proposition truly   already call Waterfall home ‐ and
        ensuring its clients can focus on   addresses the employees’ need to lead   use the precinct’s many benefits
        their core business without having   healthier, happier lifestyles, where   to underpin their daily business
        to worry about keeping abreast      quality of life, wellness and family   operations and strategic goals.
        of load‐shedding schedules or       sit comfortably alongside access to
        (un)planned water shortages.        workspaces that deliver optimised   We invite you to become part of this
                                            workflow, hyper‐connectivity,       community that not only has your
        NO MORE WORK-LIFE                   employee engagement and enhanced    business’ interests at heart, but already
        BALANCING ACT                       productivity. It’s a win‐win scenario.  understands its needs and offers
        Employees of pharmaceutical                                             versatile and custom‐built working
        companies, like those of any business,   As the location of choice for   spaces to support them. Give your
        require a reasonable work‐life balance.   pharmaceutical companies,     business the edge and your people
        These individuals dedicate themselves   Waterfall connects sector players   the work‐life experience they have
        to delivering industry‐leading scientific   to a like‐minded community of   been asking for; come and join a
        advancements and, as such, need to   shared interests and goals. This   community of peers at Waterfall.

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