Page 22 - Waterfall_Issue 7_2022
P. 22

Waterfall News



        in Waterfall City’s new co-working spaces

       I   n exciting news, Attacq’s various

           commercial and SME tenants will
           soon be the beneficiaries of the
           latest collaboration between IWG
        (the holding company for Regus and
        SPACES) and Attacq, as an all-new
        flexi-work offering will imminently be
        opening in the Waterfall City precinct.

        This follows on from the successful
        launch of Regus in Lynnwood
        Bridge, which is an Attacq owned
        property. SPACES was the pioneer
        of this work zone in Waterfall City
        and thanks to its successful track
        record, we will soon be welcoming
        Regus to Maxwell Office Park.

        Business owners looking for short- or
        long-term, high-end commercial office
        space in Waterfall City will be able to   innovative Waterfall City precinct,   of integrated mixed-use working
        enjoy all the benefits of a dynamic,   which includes the iconic Mall of   that leverages the best in urban
        collaborative work environment,     Africa as well as landmark commercial   design architecture, best-in-class
        which forms part of the broader     buildings such as The Ingress,      sustainability principles, and the latest
        enhancement offered at Waterfall City.   Corporate Campus and Nexus. Attacq   in green technology, to drive safe and
        In addition, this precinct will also cater   believes strongly in the concept   sustainable urban development.
        to larger multi-national commercial
        tenants looking for wide-ranging,
        tailored, green-rated office space.

        IWG is the leading global provider
        of hybrid work solutions with
        approximately eight million people
        currently working at thousands
        of locations across more than 120
        countries. The Waterfall City site
        can accommodate professionals in
        workspaces ranging from five square
        metres, suitable for individuals, up
        to larger, tailored office spaces of
        50 square metres, ideal for small
        or medium-sized businesses.

        The partnership is particularly fitting
        for Attacq, the developer behind the

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