Page 25 - Waterfall City Issue 5 May 2023
P. 25
Healthcare and supplied by Ecomed receiving specialist at the trauma provides the medical team with a
Medical in South Africa. It is highly centre via WhatsApp or email, either non-invasive look inside the chest,
practical as it is small enough for use in from the scene of the emergency or abdomen, or anywhere in the body
a confined space during an emergency while en route to the hospital. without any radiation exposure.
flight and is durability tested to military
drop standards. The technologies and solutions are “This makes it possible for us to identify
specifically designed to improve anatomical landmarks, any internal
“At the scene of an emergency, we efficiency and productivity, increase bleeding, and even consult the trauma
need to perform a rapid assessment of access to care and empower clinicians surgeon miles away on our findings
the patient’s condition to determine with AI and analytics when, where and to guide pre-hospital intervention, if
the extent of their injuries, which how they need it most. The Vscan Air required. For example, suppose the
informs the next steps in their adds to Netcare Group’s best-in-class patient is in cardiac failure. In that case,
treatment. If the person has critical technology capabilities. It is just one we can now properly see the heart
injuries, advanced life support must example of how technology and and which area is affected to initiate
begin immediately to be the most innovation can drive better patient the right treatment immediately.
effective. Still, we first need to identify outcomes at the point of care. This ultrasound device also guides
what is wrong to make the best us in accurately placing intravenous
possible clinical decisions for the This wireless, pocket-sized ultrasound lines. Then, when we’re performing
patient,” says Craig Grindell, managing device provides exceptionally clear intubation, it helps ensure that we have
director of Netcare 911. image quality, whole-body scanning passed the vocal cords and reached
capabilities, and intuitive software – all the correct position to keep the airway
“While the ultrasound equipment we in the palm of the clinician’s hand. The open. With this advanced imaging
used up to now provided valuable versatility and ease of use of the Vscan technology showing exactly where
insights into the internal injuries or Air device extend the frontiers of pre- anatomical structures are located,
presence of blood, they were large hospital management by enhancing we are also better equipped, and
and cumbersome. Scans could not be the physical examination of patients, therefore more confident, to perform
performed in transit because of the accelerating diagnoses, and helping intricate emergency procedures, such
limited space in a helicopter and fixed- caregivers triage patients in the air and as inflating a collapsed lung, before the
wing aircraft. The previous devices also out in the field. patient reaches the hospital,” Van der
took longer to set up, meaning their Berg says.
use was not always as practical when Charné van der Berg, Netcare 911’s
time is of the essence in saving lives.” critical care operations manager, As a long-standing supplier to
explains that the convenient interface Netcare 911, Ecomed Medical
“Aeromedical ultrasound is now with advanced life support on a demonstrated the Vscan Air as the
really taking flight as the Vscan Air mobile device is instrumental in latest wireless ultrasound device
overcomes these limitations. It enables making it quicker and easier than ever to Netcare 911 management, who
advanced life support paramedics to to coordinate care with the trauma immediately recognised the lifesaving
perform an E-FAST (extended focused surgeon and team at the receiving value of this technology. In addition,
assessment with sonography in hospital. Ecomed Medical is the authorised
trauma) to identify injuries, often while distributor for GE Healthcare
the patient is in transit. As a result, they “Every second is precious when a Ultrasound as part of its complete
can be routed to the most appropriate patient is critically ill or injured – so solutions for the medical industry,
trauma centre. This can make a much so that in some cases, we do including specialised equipment.
definitive difference in providing not even have time for the helicopter
emergency medical services and helps blades to stop spinning before we load “This latest addition to Netcare 911’s
to achieve better outcomes for our the patient at the scene. This is known many advanced diagnostic tools will
patients,” he says. as a ‘hot load’. With the benefit of these serve our patients well when they need
high-quality ultrasound images, we can it the most. The Vscan Air is extending
More benefits let the emergency department know our capabilities in doing what we are
Small and light enough to be held in greater detail what they need to most passionate about – saving lives,”
in one hand, the Vscan Air scanner prepare for so they can start working Grindell concludes.
connects to an app on a mobile on the patient immediately when we
device. This enables the Netcare 911 arrive at the hospital,” she says. Netcare 911 is based at Netcare
critical care team to send high-quality Waterfall City and Netcare Sunninghill
ultrasound images or video to the Within a minute, the Vscan Air hospitals.
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